changing a bolt head



Hello, I have to change a bolt head on a Savage 12 single action bolt and was wondering if there are any diagrams out there that I could look at to show me how this is done. I am told that this is a 10 min. job. Thank you.
Place the bolt in a padded vise. Remove the "plug" at the back of the bolt. Remove all the parts that it was retaining, including the firing pin (Pay attention to how they came apart.). Knock out the cross pin that holds in the bolt head. Remove the head, gas baffle and wave spring. When reassembling, put the wave spring between the head and baffle to reduce the tendency of the baffle from wiping grease off of the back of the lugs. It has been a long time since I have had one apart, but I think that I have it covered. Someone else could chime in and verify what I remember.
bolt head

B.A., thanks for the infomation. It will be a good start in getting the bolt head changed. A picture is always worth a thousand words, but if I follow your directions, I should be able to get it done. I guess once I start taking it apart, I then can see and understand exactly what you are talking about. Thank you for your help.