Changing a barrel myself?



I have a Winchester Mod. 70 that is a push & pull bolt action made in 1968. It is a .243 heavy 24 " varmint barrel. Back in 1971 I had the action trued and it would consistantly group 5 shots at 100 yards that a dime would cover before I shot out the barrel.

My question is if I buy a new barrel would I beable to change them out myself and would I need any special tools to do it? What is the best advise you could give me. Who's barrel should I buy. I would like the most accurate I can get?

"Aim small miss small",

Take it to a good gunsmith and have a quality barrel chambered and installed.

You don't do this at home with the tools you have.
You could change the barrel yourself if you have the tools to do it with. You would need a barrel vise $80,00, an action wrench $120.00, go no go gages $40.00, depth micrometer $60.00, chamber reamer $130,00 (rental $30,00), reamer handle$30.00, you could buy a short chambered barrel but you would need access to a lathe for final fitting. Barrels go for $185.00 to $380.00 some more. One of the books that taogart recommends to its gunsmith apprentices is THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO PRECISION RIFLE BARREL FITTING GUIDE TO PRECISION RIFLE BARREL FITTING
read the book and then decide if you want to try doing it yourself. its well worth the money. it also covers basic blue printing and shows how to make some very useful fixtures.
I have a Winchester Mod. 70 that is a push & pull bolt action made in 1968. It is a .243 heavy 24 " varmint barrel. Back in 1971 I had the action trued and it would consistantly group 5 shots at 100 yards that a dime would cover before I shot out the barrel.

My question is if I buy a new barrel would I beable to change them out myself and would I need any special tools to do it? What is the best advise you could give me. Who's barrel should I buy. I would like the most accurate I can get?

"Aim small miss small",


Most accurate is a touchy subject here.....I think your accuracy requirements (dime) are easily achieved with most barrels.

Hart, Broughton, Lilja, Shilen (select) or Krieger are the most popular benchrest barrels...other people people will likely add to this list....Pac-Nor, kostyshyn etc.

There are lots of barrels that will shoot a group that can be covered with a dime, if they are chambered by a good gunsmith.