Change powders or seat bullet deeper


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6/284 30" brux bbl 8"twist . Today shooting 105gr Berger Hybrids seated just off the rifling lands , burning two powders Re# 25 and Magpro . I was getting tight ES in velocities (10'20' between shots) with both powders but poor accuracy in this new chamber( Non neck turning chamber). Others have said Re#22 is the go to powder for this cartridge ?
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Sounds like you got a new gun or barrel...CONGRATS. Take one powder. What was you starting load and how many loads moving up in .03 gr. increments did you try. Any pressure sighs, might need to keep going. Do you need to do a ladder test. What range were you testing at. Whats poor accuracy...and at what range. I don't worry to much about seating depth til I see what my groups look like at 200 to 300 yds. How did you break in your barrel....shoot clean shoot clean. Are you going to shoot at ???? 100yds mostly. Might need some more info to help.
Long story

Sounds like you got a new gun or barrel...CONGRATS. Take one powder. What was you starting load and how many loads moving up in .03 gr. increments did you try. Any pressure sighs, might need to keep going. Do you need to do a ladder test. What range were you testing at. Whats poor accuracy...and at what range. I don't worry to much about seating depth til I see what my groups look like at 200 to 300 yds. How did you break in your barrel....shoot clean shoot clean. Are you going to shoot at ???? 100yds mostly. Might need some more info to help.

New Chamber in that last gunsmith didn't run the chamber reamer in far enough and it was a W-W reamer not one for Lupua brass. I had major extraction problems . So bbl has less than 350 rounds through it. I increase charges by .05 . No pressure signs and zero extraction problems. I was shooting at a 100 yards . I need some one to explain the "Ladder"method to me again. Ok here is my shameful target . I posted on a few forums and I was predominately advised to seat bullets .010-,020 deeper. Bottom 3 were Re#25 and top 2 were MagPro Heaviest charge of Re#25 velocity was 3370 and Heaviest charge of Magpro was 3330 . Tomorrow I'm planning on repeating Re#25 with bullets seated deeper and I might increase powder charge also. Plus try out some Re#22 .


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Are you sure the rifle is bedded properly? If so, I'd try a few rounds with some other powders first. H4350 & RE19 are 2 that come to mind along with RE22 if you have any of those. Also 4831 may not be a bad choice. I'm kind of curious....what action is the rifle built on?
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Yes its bedded properly . Yes I will try some faster burning powders . Thought with a 30" tube slow burners might shine .
First of all don't be so hard on yourself...we have all been through this!! Did you look at 243winxb post. Good info on tuning Berger bullets. I don't know if there is an article on this site to explain the ladder test. If not maybe one of the pros will explain. If not go to the site and search ladder test in search box.

In life you have to crawl,walk before you run. Keep asking questions....keep posting. GOOD LUCK!
Yes its bedded properly . Yes I will try some faster burning powders . Thought with a 30" tube slow burners might shine .

It was a good thought...........sometimes it works and sometimes not. The problem is, you never know until you try. Keep us posted.
Today's shooting report

Ok I seated bullets .010 deeper and changed powders to Re#22 same bullet 105gr Berger Hybrid for 1st 8 rounds all shot at 130 yards Bottom 3 starting from left was 51grs of Re#22 Middle was 52grs and far rights was a fire form load of 46.2 grs of H4350 pushing a Hornady 105gr HPBT . Why fire form ? This brass was fired in original chamber ( Too tight nothing but extraction problems) So jamming bullet into lands and firing a moderate charge resulted in this group. ( On a side note I was able to hit most full Soda Pop cans at 430 yards with these fire form loads). Top middle group was 52.5grs of Re#22 behind a Hornady 105 A-Max .I like those A-Max loads,didn't shoot through Chronograph today. Zero pressure signs with any and all loads. What do ya'll think ?


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