Chambering thoughts..



I'm a self taught tinker/smith, and don't know all the proper terms but Ive been playing for 30+ years. Now that I am retired from the real job I'm playing a lot more with my hobby. Ive even got to a point where there is a new Asian Lathe sitting and waiting to take the place of my old darling Clausing (gear machine)
I have a simple question.....
I have and understand chambering two ways: through the head stock.... and between rests on the lathe bed.
I have used both and wonder if others have these concerns........
The head mount is probably the more accurate way but I do like to torque on the action for final fitting and don't dare on the head stock mount of course.
So I in most cases use the bed mount in order to preform this.
Any Opinion's

I hear this concern about thread crush, and I'm going to assume you think it changes headspace, from time to time.

I don't agree that it does.

As long as the threads on the barrel are loose enough that they do not interfere with the two shoulders coming into full contact I don't see why the headspace would change. Can the barrel rotate more as the threads are set/deformed to match the actions threads, yes. I can't see any of us, whether in or out of a lathe, distorting/compressing the shoulder on a barrel. I've seen one factory rifle that there was an obvious bulge on the barrel shoulder. I had to set that one up and go in with a parting tool to get the barrel off. For what ever reason that rifle never shot well. I would recommend doing it through the headstock. If you do have a change in headspace then look at your thread fit.
