Use the same pilot
I use the same pilot on the Range Rod, Center Drill, Reamer, Counter Bore, Facing tool, Crown Cutter.
Sometimes barrels are tighter in the muzzle than the tenon end and I have to use different pilots.
It is very important to clean the barrel before fitting the propper pilot. If there is any lapping compound left in the barrel it will find its way between the pilot and the bore. It will score the rifling and can make the bushing bind up. Measurements in the .0001" are precise with regard to the measuring ability most of us have in our small shops. This is often done by feel.
The top barrel makers mark on their barrels what the diameter is in the lands and grooves. I find their bore measurements often do not to match what my pin gauges or pilots say they are. They may be off by .0002 usually they say they are smaller than they really are. Most of the top barrel makers say their barrels vary in diameter less than .0003 for the length of the barrel. This is tested by air gauging the barrel. I rarely see more than a .0001 difference between the muzzle and the tenon end and can speak of what is between. I admit I routinely only use a couple of different barrel makers barrels.
Since long gun drills tend to wander the actual bore location in relation to the barrel OD may wonder several .001 between the tenon and muzzle. This has been proven by my cutting barrels off and not finding the bore in the center of the barrel.
This is a very interesting subject and I always enjoy talking to folks like Tim North, Jack Kreiger, Mike Rock, Dan Lilja, Frank Green who are in the barrel making business.
Nat Lambeth