Chamber "damage" ?



What is the effect on THE CHAMBER of a CF rifle when a sensibly loaded… SINGLE ROUND… has a case head separation ?
I don't think that there will be a problem. What you really need to know is that the separation would not have happened without the case having its shoulder set back too far, more than once, when it was sized. The other cause can be when low pressure loads are used repeatedly, and then a load of more normal pressure is fired, in a rimless case. You can see this is happening by examining the fired primers in the case. If, at any point in the life of your cases, the fired primers are above the head, you may be experiencing this problem. How do you set your sizing die?
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I've never seen a case separation (loaded sensibly) cause damage to the rifle other than perhaps the trigger getting goofed up by debris. Said better - remove and clean your trigger. If you can see something that worries you, by all means, have it looked at by somebody that know what they're doing....myself excluded.

It would likely scare us all if we knew how many separations have occurred when folks push back the shoulder too far trying to fix difficult cases when the problem is enlarged case heads.

Wear some kind of eye protection. I can recommend that easily because I can't see without eyeglasses but it's good advice - really good advice.
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DEadwood -

Howdy !

The biggest thing is probably.. risk to the shooter.

Modern CF rifles are "vented" in varoius fashions. My Wichita WBR1375 single-shot bolt action, has 3ea large holes facing out from the Rt side of the bolt. These holes ostensibly, are for providiing a safe vent path for escaping powder combustion gasses; in th eevent of case failure. Successfull rifle action designs, will have placed an emphsis on the ability of the design to safely vent gasses away from the shooter.

The case head seperations I experienced, were all result of FL sizing some wildact cases; after they had only been neck-sized for many loadings. This area of the case cannot be annealed, and the FL sizing was just asking too much of the failry well-used brass. One result of the experience.... I don't FL size anymore... only nekc size and shoulder bump.

My rifle/barrel chamber experienced NO damage from the couple incidents ( Hart .224" cal 24" SS 1-14 ), and both the rifle anction and also myself; wetn unscathed.

With regards,