Chamber casting ?


chuck furniss

Does anyone have any tips on pouring a good cast?
I am getting voids and frosting.Will pullet mold spray work?

Does anyone have any tips on pouring a good cast?
I am getting voids and frosting.Will pullet mold spray work?

The frosting is a result of temperature (I think) and the voids probably are as well. Neither will hurt a thing. The casting will tell you what you need to know even with the frosting/voids unless your voids are huge.
Try warming the barrel to about 130-140 degrees, just where it is to hot to hold before puring the cast.---Mike
Thanks for the response.I have thied all of the above.Am I expecting to much from cerosafe?
I use a infared thermal device to read the barrel and casting material, I have tried reheating until the liquid again lenard Baity recomended coating the chamber with graphite.Of course the chamber is as clean as I can get it.
I am still not getting a good cast in the neck and throat areas.
Has any one ever tried a mold relese agent as used for cast bullet molds?

Cerosafe does not require a release agent. It shrinks after the initial pour and then grows back to full size later ... read the instructions about that part...
If you have some Frosting, it is a result of too warm material. Try to pour shortly after it has melted and pour in one continuous motion and don't forget to plug the bore. Don't ask how I know that.

I don't know how you are heating the metal but I use a heat gun. I also use it on the chamber area to preheat the metal before I do the pour. My heat gun is one of those $30.00 jobs. Works great.