We live just NE of Tomball. Today, there were a bunch of fires a few miles to our N/NW. There was, from TV reports, a pretty big one between Magnolia and Plantersville that caused the evacuation of 60+ homes and several thousand people. This whole place is an absolute tinderbox. Trees, especially oak trees, are dying pretty much everywhere. I have a few acres and have lost 50-60 hardwood trees, even after dragging hoses to those I can reach that I see in distress. Walking thru the area, you just know any spark is going to ignite a catastrophic fire.
I saw it like this back in the 50's. But, I was a kid then and didn't realize the danger. Now, I do. And, I'm concerned.
I know some/many of you have more rain than you need. Many of us are praying that God will divert some of it our way. I pray He does!
Glen Oakes