Central Jersey Winter League



What a day for a Benchrest match!!!! Temps got into the 50's and the wind was light and variable.:D The wind was readable which is something different for Central Jersey Range. Had 10 shooters show up including a junior shooter. I thought that the aggs would have been smaller but it seems everyone got caught at least once. Some great chili and corn bread were for lunch and of course the normal goodies to have with coffee. The results are as follows:

1. John Yanosey .2642
2. Dana Mattern .2720 (220Beggs)
3. Bill McIntyre .2754
4. Ken Alfredo .2890
5. Vicki Olenick .3242 (junior shooter)

Small Group
Vicki Olenick .120:D

Thanks to Bill McIntyre for the chili. Thanks to Bill Gennaro's wife Diane for the corn bread. And thanks to everyone who showed up. By the way after our group match, Ken Alfredo has been running a score match. It is only 10 targets at 10 minutes for $2 winner take all.:D This weeks big money:D winner was Russell Rains with a 100-9X.:D Have a great week and hope to see you next week for our 200yd match.

Thanks Dana for running the Winter League Matches. It didn't seem like winter with the temperature hitting the 50's by match end.

The steroid scandal lives on. After repeated tries by many shooters to remove a barrel from it's action. One Harley Baker pulls a King Arthur on us and easily twists the barrel loose. Makes one wonder doesn't it!

Great shooting John! Dana is making alot of us believers in the 220 beggs.

Good shooting Vicki! It seems the young folks like showing us how it's done!

Russ Rains gave us a shooting lesson with his score target of 100 9-xs. Mr.
Baker sweeted the pot with his one dollar challenge for a perfect target. Russ was close, but Harley's money will have to wait till next match.

Thanks also to Bill Gennero's wife for making the delcious corn bread.

Hope to see you all next month for the final matches!

Bill McIntyre