Central California RBA and IR 50/50 Events


Gisele Johnson

The Modesto Rifle Club hosts a RBA Combination Match on the first Sunday of each month from March through October. The next match is scheduled for August 1, 2010 with a start time of 8:00 am. We have 15 covered firing positions. As the RBA match is shot in one relay, advance registration is advised.

We also have the range reserved for an optional IR 50/50 match at 1:00 pm on the same day. The IR 50/50 match is dependent on sufficient advance registration.

MRC has a spacious clubhouse with restroom facilities. There is no on-site food service but we do have a refrigerator available for participant use.

If you would like additional information about our scheduled rimfire matches or directions to the Modesto Rifle Club, please contact Gisele Johnson at mrcnews@charter.net.
BTT...one week left.

So far, response has been a bit low. So, if you live in the Central California area and have an interest in rimfire benchrest competition, please let me know even if you can't attend the August 1st RBA match. We're already planning the 2011 season at MRC and we welcome your input as to the scheduling of matches for next year.


Gisele Johnson mrcnews@charter.net