CED M2 Chronograph


New member
I received a new ced m2 for Christmas. Does anyone know of any computer programs that will work together with this chronograph to kept track of the load data?. I Installed the software but I am really not sure how to store the data in my computer where it will be easy to retrieve.
I received a new ced m2 for Christmas. Does anyone know of any computer programs that will work together with this chronograph to kept track of the load data?. I Installed the software but I am really not sure how to store the data in my computer where it will be easy to retrieve.

You will have three options to export and save data:
“New Tab File”
“Append Tab File”
“Save Straight Text”

When you use the “New Tab File” or “Append Tab File” export options, a tab-delimited file is generated which is compatible with Microsoft Excel.
If you have Excel on your computer, you can pretty much do anything you want to it regarding adding more data and/or manipulating the data.

If you don’t have Excel on your PC, you would use the “Save Straight Text” option to save, read, and edit the text file generated by the CED software.

Thanks Tom I checked out that website I was kind of hoping I could find someone who has a copy of that software that would be willing to let me download it for a fee. I should probably just stay with the pen and notebook for record keeping just in case my computer crashed or something.
Print it from your computer and staple to your records or targets.

I think is the best way to go. Once you learn what you can do with the program its easy to set the the data for viewing or manipulation to whatever suites your needs. If you don't have excel get a computer savey friend to put it on for you. It's just dead useful.