CCI Primer Production


New member
Does anyone know if CCI has resumed production on their primers, namely BR-4?
I spoke to Coy Getman last fall and he indicated to me that production on all BR-4's was halted due to engineering changes.
As of a minute ago, CCI Technical told me BR4's been on hold for the last 10 MONTHS for sensitivity, and have no idea when they will resume production. :( Here's the number if you want to follow up: 866-286-7436.
sensitivity ???
I still contend there is something going on here, other than hoarding. There is money to be made in components NOW ( one of the few markets where demand is HIGH).....why don't they capitalize on this fact BEFORE the Big O's ammo excise tax hits us.
Why are all their answers outlandish?
Arms market IS HUGE, WHAT'S UP?!!!

sensitivity ???
I still contend there is something going on here, other than hoarding. There is money to be made in components NOW ( one of the few markets where demand is HIGH).....why don't they capitalize on this fact BEFORE the Big O's ammo excise tax hits us.
Why are all their answers outlandish?

Couldn't agree more........Sumtin is a bit off here...!!!???????!:cool:

sensitivity ???
I still contend there is something going on here, other than hoarding. There is money to be made in components NOW ( one of the few markets where demand is HIGH).....why don't they capitalize on this fact BEFORE the Big O's ammo excise tax hits us.
Why are all their answers outlandish?

what excise tax?
Not disrespecting your post

Our gal, Nancy Pelosi, has proposed putting a 500% Federal excise on sales of all ammo and components.

but this is the very kind of language that is causing the hoarding of components. At a time when we "say" we want more people to join the shooting sports, we go out and buy up everything we can, though we probably won't use half of what we purchase. When a new person comes along to join us, he/she can't find loading components and gives up. I personally know a person (member here) who has recently hoarded enough SR primers and H4831sc to supply 10 people for the remainder of their lives. Why purchase more than needed and deprive others from being able to shoot???
Gentlemen ...

I don't believe there is a draconian motive involved here. Instead of all the wild Grisham-type thoughts and conjecture, why not just give CCI a call, and then compare notes? I provided the number above. ;)
but this is the very kind of language that is causing the hoarding of components. At a time when we "say" we want more people to join the shooting sports, we go out and buy up everything we can, though we probably won't use half of what we purchase. When a new person comes along to join us, he/she can't find loading components and gives up. I personally know a person (member here) who has recently hoarded enough SR primers and H4831sc to supply 10 people for the remainder of their lives. Why purchase more than needed and deprive others from being able to shoot???

So you contend with us shooting enthusiasts "there's too much consumin' goin' on out there?".......yet, the new guys/gals in charge are the biggest bunch of spenders this planet has ever seen......this at a time when our economy needs people to start "consumin" again.

So the question now becomes.....Why make/ propose stupid laws and taxes that "deprive others from being able to shoot?

Or, maybe you would like to see a limit on the number of components/ rounds that can be purchased at one time to stop this totally unfair hoarding?

I don't invest in gold in these hard times.....I invest in primers, powder,..etc.

As usual, anything to change the meaning of the post eh?
Are you implying the hoarding hasn't gotten excessive to the point that people who actually need components, find themselves sitting at home, while a great number of hoarders don't need the vast amounts being accumulated?
Supply and DEMAND...!

Mr. Smith and Mr. Stiefel....

I agree with both.....


What the heck...! Can't the makers supply all the primers that can be consumed >>within reason<< (wether it takes someone 1 year to shoot-up or forever..!) .. Knowing the war effort is FIRST AND FORMOST to supply our Fighting Men and Women with these very components, why can't they keep a reasonable supply to the very consumers who will buy all and I mean ALL they can produce...$$$ for these corporations and taxes $$$ for the local and fed govs................. This IS a Democracy.
Makem and we'll buy'em...
I just hope the HIGH demand wont increase in inferior component rates...!

I know I'm not the only one who feels this.....:confused::rolleyes:
Lh ...

.......yet, the new guys/gals in charge are the biggest bunch of spenders this planet has ever seen......

I'm not a member of the current party in office but let's get the statistics in line with reality. Before Mr. Reagan took office, this country had approximately a 960 Billion dollar debt. That debt had accumulated from the time of this country's inception to his inauguration. When he left office this country had approximately a 3 Trillion dollar debt. When Mr. Bush Jr. took office he started with about a 5 Trillion debt. When he departed he left a 10 to 11 Trillion dollar debt. One man tripled it, the other doubled it. The current folks inherited one heck of a mess and they can no long be called this nation's spenders. Mr. Reagan and Mr. Bush Jr reversed all that.
Very good research

I'm not a member of the current party in office but let's get the statistics in line with reality. Before Mr. Reagan took office, this country had approximately a 960 Billion dollar debt. That debt had accumulated from the time of this country's inception to his inauguration. When he left office this country had approximately a 3 Trillion dollar debt. When Mr. Bush Jr. took office he started with about a 5 Trillion debt. When he departed he left a 10 to 11 Trillion dollar debt. One man tripled it, the other doubled it. The current folks inherited one heck of a mess and they can no long be called this nation's spenders. Mr. Reagan and Mr. Bush Jr reversed all that.

You know your history!!!
cci primer production

Yes they are in short supply. You may find a few in some local out of the way gun shop or at a gun show.
One thing to remember we are supplying quite a few foreign countrys also. 223 ammo is really over priced now , due to the wars in several countys.
Does any one know just how many conflicts we are in right now.
I know it's not just 2. ''''''''
I don't believe there is a draconian motive involved here. Instead of all the wild Grisham-type thoughts and conjecture, why not just give CCI a call, and then compare notes? I provided the number above. ;)

The production line is shut down for 10 months due to "sensitivity."

What company can survive with such inept product engineering.
cci primer production

I don't get the sensitivity' Is it because it was bought out by alarge conglomorate? Insensitivity would be more like it.
Those pros on the board are something else. The same thing happened with the B&L 36 benchrest scope.
Doesn't Blount own Federal & CCI - & they're shipping one line to the government & sensitive about the other?
They may own both facilities, but the processes may be quite different. Of course, we may just be getting PR doublespeak from them.

Buy what you can afford to buy right now. The times they are a changing.

I'd like to buy more, but hesitate to do so for fear of being labeled a "Hoarder" Nevermind the scale of economics when buying by the case (5000) vs. by the pack (100) .....a 50% savings is realized.
It's far more important to me to ensure EVERYONE has the opportunity to purchase primers. It's the fair thing to do.:D