Catching up!


Raymond Price

To my shooting buddies,

Finally, I think I'm back on the internet and may actually be able to post something. A teacher of mine once said "Little steps for tiny feet." and that pretty well fits my computer skills. Will try to catch up on a couple of things that I wasn't able to respond to earlier.

First, our friend Chet Amick passed away unexpectedly and is sorely missed by those of us who knew him and shot with him here in Hagerstown and Cumberland, MD. Chet spent most of his shooting life building fine centerfire rifles and only got interested in rimfire benchrest guns about 4-5 years ago. A fine machinist, he focused his work on experimenting with and perfecting barrels. He was also an exceptionally fine shooter and spent a great many days testing his barrels and rifles at their beautiful club range near Cumberland. Bob Holbruner, Paul Wilmoth and I saw him shoot a 250/25x target at a match we shot there. Seeing was believing. His friends miss him.

And, thanks to all my friends for the 81st birthday greetings. I think one of life's big surprises is how quickly you get "old" and how hard it is to believe you are really that old. The good thing is that you then have a fine excuse for shooting bad targets. Memory also fades quickly, so please forgive me when I can't remember your names; I've found, however, that a lot of us older shooters have this trouble. In my 81 years I've never enjoyed knowing, shooting with and competing with a finer bunch of people than all of you. Rimfire benchrest shooting can be frustrating to the point where you're ready the throw your rifle down the range, but the friendships and fellowship make it all worthwhile.

The match season is coming on fast and I have new glasses, still don't know if they'll help me see through that 6X scope, but will try it soon as it warms up a bit.

Enough rambling, now we'll see if this test message will post OK.

Catching Up


I would say almost all of us have some catching with you.

Sadly, we all lament the passing of Chet Amick. It is unfortunate all of his great work is not documented, but his legacy lives on in the person we knew, the guns he built, and his incredible BR scores. He was a gentleman, a scholar, and alwasy a class act, from A to Z.

With that, best wishes for your continued great shooting, and this year, may your world records be recorded early and often!

Yes, Ray, we all have some catching up to catch you, not just in years, but in the quality and quantity of your accomplishments. Best wishes, and many 250's and high X counts to you. See you on the Range, Doug

PS and BTW: If your PC is out of service, that just frees up more useful time to test ammo and keep the eyes sharp!