Can't decide need input

describe what you plan to do with the rifle...then we can give you some input, but just a blank question...wil get you blank answers.

mike in co
i agree with the above, for what purpose do you intend to use this rifle?
just off top of head

first i agree with mike. not enough info to make an informed evaluation. however in the bullet arena the 30 caliber can do anything the 7mm can in the lighter bullet realm and keep pumping heavier bullets out the pipe when the 7mm caliber runs dry with weight. bullet selection in 30 caliber is better for benchrest and hunting bullets. hope this helps somewhat. Greg Moyer
.300 vs 7mm

Having had them both, I now use a .300 RUM Remington has a great thing going with there 3 levels of ammo. They preform as advertied.