Canjar trigger help please


bob finger

I have a pair of Canjar triggers for Remington 37. No they are not for sale, thanks for asking.

Can someone tell me which of the three adjusting screws is which please. One in front of the trigger, one on the front vertical and one on the rear vertical. I can mess a trigger up pretty fast so I don't want to start turning screws until I know which does what. Thanks much. bob finger

Can you post a photo?
I've had several for different makes and models, and they all adjusted the same. I would like to see the location on the varoius screws to be sure. I could not find a listing for the Model 37 in Canjar's catalog. It many be similar to one of the other but I can't tell, without seeing a photo or drawing of the trigger you have.
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Fred: Thank you!!!!! That does the trick. Per the diagram you provided the screw near the trigger is WOP, the front screw is the stop and rear screw is sear grab. The 37 is different than the drawing in that it mounts differently and the bolt release is an entirely different animal, but you already knew that. Thanks again. I'll try to adjust tomorrow and hopefully won't mess up a perfectly good trigger. bob finger
Bob if you can take a credit card i would be a buyer on one of them there canjars. thanks in advance jack chastain

Hi Bob,

Don't yours have a screw dead in the center, on the side of the main block, going thru from L to R also?

Brian: Good to hear from you.

Nope, no screw as you mention. At least not in the one on my desk, which is marked 37-2 with electric pencil. This trigger looks to be brand new, not a mark, scratch or even dirt on it. The other one I'll look at tomorrow, and I understand it was once a set trigger. I'll report tomorrow if there is a screw in that one. I'm too excited re what happened in Mass to try to work on a rifle/trigger tonight. bob
Don't Mess with

Stay away from the rear screw. That's the sear engagement and it's very touchy.
Fred: For me, sear adjustments are all extremely touchy. Thanks for the heads up.

Brian. The other trigger is marked 37-1a and does indeed have a screw dead center that goes through both side plates. Looks like it holds the trigger together rather than being an adjustment. Can you shed more light on this?

The one on the rifle, marked 37-1a was originally a "set" trigger I'm told. It ain't anymore. On the other hand once in a while I can feel the trigger release but the rifle not fire. A very light touch on the bolt handle causes the firing pin to release...dangerous at best and not good for score at worst. Thats why I asked for id on the adjustments.....probably a bit of sear engagement adjustment is in order. A soak of lighter fluid did reduce the incidence of failure appreciably. Previous owner said it happened to him once in a while too so its not a new problem.

First I'm gonna swap triggers and see how the other one works. Any advice appreciated....I'm no trigger expert. bob
40X Canjar

This is what a Canjar 40X Set trigger looks like. Adjustment screws are in the same locations.


  • Canjar 40-1S-1.JPG
    Canjar 40-1S-1.JPG
    29.4 KB · Views: 1,928
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I swapped triggers and put the 37-2 on the rifle this morning. A bit of tweaking on the wop screw and seems to be working very well indeed. I'll put the notes in my tickler file....will come in handy someday. Thanks for the help, all. bob finger

Hi Bob,

That side screw is mystifying. Canjars have no side plates, they are machined from a solid piece. That doesn't mean they might not want to use a little squeeze on them as the Win. Micro-Motion. Internally the screw seems to contact the top edge of the sear engage screw, if you look in the back. One recently sold with the original paperwork, with luck someone here will have a paper on them and share the info. They only seem to be on the older models.

Yes, you are correct, the 37-1 was the set trigger, the 37-2 the same trigger without the set shoe and the 37-3 with the narrow one piece trigger lever.


Do either of you have photos of the Canjar 37 triggers? I would like to put them in my trigger file, for future referance.
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Fred: Promise next time I pull the stock I'll take some photo's and send them to you. It won't be too long. I'll do the other Canjar at the same time....but that one has been modified, not sure pix will do you any good.

For those of you following this thread the rifle is a very early 37 (17xx s/n) receiver which I would guess was made in 1939. Bill Myers just put a Benchmark 4 groove with a cone breech on it for me and I 'm trying to season the barrel. Its in glass stock I think an early McMillan. So far rifle shows great promise. Another 200 or so of my standard black box lot through it then I'll see what ammo it reallllly likes. Then perhaps I'll send it to Martin and ask him to tune it for me. I'll have a winner fer sure. Nah.... bob
jim williams in ga

Jim did have a lot of 37 br rifles, and parts,some were calfee and every combination under the sun. A couple had canjars and couple had kenyon.does any body have a preference of the two? He has all of them for sale and i was considering one .thanks!
In my opinion there is no better trigger than a Kenyon. End of discussion. Karl did not make triggers for every type of rifle. His 52 and 37 triggers are the best there are. He also made them for 40X and for Anschutz 54's. There may have been others. The Canjar's under discussion here are my first exposure to them. From what I have seen they are okay, but no comparison to the Kenyon triggers I have on 37's. My absolute favorite 37 is one Karl built for an olympic shooter. It is sleeved, has his trigger, a K&M barrel, a stock that belongs in a museum and shoots as well as any rifle I have ever owned. Karl did far more than build and modify triggers.

Could you please share the gentlemans contact information that you mentioned. I would be very interested in what he might have for sale. I own more 37's than I do Kenyon triggers. Thanks. bob finger
Williams 37`s

Bob,I can`t tell you what Jim has specificaly,it`s been a year since I looked at those Guns. AT that time I was looking at a collector grade rifle and seen somewhere betwen 15& 20 of Jim`s 37`s that had been put into BR rifles. I was amazed to say the least! Jim`s # 770-757-1590