Canastota results ??

Bob Raide won all targets. Shot a 750 agg in ul. Todd was #2 in ul with Steve in #3. Tim was#2 in 3 gun with Todd #3
Hope to see you soon.
Bob only dropped 4 points all day and shot 107 X's, too. His most notable score (other than the 750 agg) was his 249-20X Sporter target in some pretty tough conditions. He's threatened to come to Salem on Sunday for his next Raide:eek:
Thanks for the results.The season is winding down here.I'll be heading back to Florida for the winter in a couple of weeks.I hope you guys can make it down to the Crawfish shoot in April.Though its probably best if you leave Raide at home.

PS Just kidding about Raide.He's more than welcome.Just make sure he leaves those Eck guns in New York.
The little SOB has been tough as nails coming down the home stretch, he even bought a new gray t-shirt.