Canadian gun registration - gone

Gun owners in Canada are celebrating a major victory tonight. The bill to end registration of long guns passed by 27 votes in parliament today. The antis are spouting their usual retoric, but no one is listening. It still must go to comittee and the Senate but is so simply worded there will be nothing to amend! I know you guy's are used to pro gun victories, but we aren't!

Looks like our neighbors to the North are waking up as we're nodding off to sleep, YEAYYYYYY for Y'all!!

GOOD on ya......

I was just commenting on a telling fact recently...... down here in WA we've got a chain of decent stores called Sportsmans Warehouse. A bunch of them were recently bought up by a CANADIAN chain called Wholesale Sports. My comment was, when we're being bought out by Canada it's a sign of our times. I sincerely hope that your voting populace learns from our mistakes.

You've made my evening, I've got lots of folks North of the 48. Even a bunch of true-blue dually rellies (even though they're not supposed to exist!) My Godparents are dually's.

I can't picture this scenario though.........

"GENTLEMEN START YOUR ENGINES!!!" To the fading strains of 'Ohhh Canada' ...... :D:D

Commonsense has prevailed in Canada; congratulations!

I wish commonsense would come to Australia!
Now if you could only do something about the Wendigo infestation problem.