I would like to see some of the tools you fellas have made to help assist you while chambering rifle barrels. I have a couple ideas myself, but i would love to see how you fellas do things. I need a tool to measure my cones with so i can duplicate other barrels that i have. Anything you may have made or bought to help, i would like to see. if you can post a link to something you think i might be interested in, that would be great as well.
I have been practicing every chance i get on my lathe, and i think i am starting to get a real feel for my machine. We are also stripping the old mill and giving it a once over and cleaning everything up best we can. I took the table off tonight and got it cleaned up good. man is that a chunk of steel or what!! I think i pulled something? LOL!!! Thanks Lee
I have been practicing every chance i get on my lathe, and i think i am starting to get a real feel for my machine. We are also stripping the old mill and giving it a once over and cleaning everything up best we can. I took the table off tonight and got it cleaned up good. man is that a chunk of steel or what!! I think i pulled something? LOL!!! Thanks Lee