can anyone tell me.......................

brian roberts

New member
why I HAVE TO SIGN, AND RE-SIGN-IN THREE TIMES???? Are we getting paid by the number??

Jeez Louize, I sign in, then go to post, the man behind the curtain says I ain't here; I do a "back", HEY, there I am, do a "forward" I'm gone again.

Duz anybody know, Vern???

HTH ;)

I've found that the system logs me out if it deems me inactive. One way it seems to do that is if I take too long typing.

I've resolved that by only typing messages that I have to think about and polish using the Advanced option & regularly hitting the Review Post box.

Maybe that will help you.

Too long typing?? Hell that's my middle name! One-key-at-a-time....................................
it could be in your browser set up.
I know that I never have to sign in anymore. When I come to the website it knows me and sees me as signed in when I hit the forum.
It only works on my home lap top and not the one at work though.
However I recently cleared all my cookies and things and I had to sign in again but only that one time.
I'm not sure I can tell what's going on, but, I've had the problem and I can make a guess. I'd guess that you have a problem with the clock on your computer. Check closely to see if it is set right. Date and time. I do not have the problem any more but used to. Strikes me, my time, day and month were correct, but the year was wrong, somehow. That would cause an expired cookie instantly and would then rely on the session cookie, which runs out in typically 15 minutes. Step away for a drink, come back, type a bit, you're out of time. Bye!

I also think Wilbur has something going on with the server clock. I see it's on Pacific time lately. Even though I'm gmt-5, my post times are incorrect by 3 hours.

Not saying for sure that's it, but, it seems likely that's a good place to start.

I use Opera and one nice feature is that it will allow me to use the back button, and still has the contents of test input areas retained as it was. Nice when you need to go back after logging in!

Assuming when you check in you have checked the "remember me" box you should not have to re log in for long periods at a time. Try using a different web browser and by the way if you have your browser set for maximum security clearing cookies and caches all the time having to re log in each time is a price you will have to pay. If you come back to the forum with no information telling the forum server you have been here before it treats you like a stranger.

This forum is different from every other forum I am a member of. Most I can log in & will stay logged in as long as my PC isn't turned off. I'm still there when I return.

This one won't do that. It won't recognize me when I drop out & return after ticking the Remember Me box. This one dumps my cookies when I log out - it tells me that in the shutdown window.

Some software I use (never figured out which one & don't care) will ask if I want to keep amy new login details - unless the site is https. The software doesn't recognize this site as a normal one - treats it as if it were https.

This isn't a beef. I asked about it back when I joined up & Wilbur or nobody else could find an answer.
This forum is different from every other forum I am a member of. Most I can log in & will stay logged in as long as my PC isn't turned off. I'm still there when I return.

I can shut my computer off for a couple days and come back and I am still logged in. I also have multiple computers I am logged in with at any given time and they all work. Frequently when I am working on a computer that has never been to this site I need to log in if I want to post but that is certainly as expected. I guess it works because none of my Macs use windows.
Same here for my main pc for days later I can come back and still be logged in but on my other ones I dont check the remember me.
Brian on the forward and back I have that with my bank and several other accts. Make sure you check the remember me and if it persists trying going forward several places and just dont go back to where you started.
Let me know if any of this works.

I'm programed to dump my cookies whenI shut down. Somebody told me it helps keep naughties outa the system.


I'm programed to dump my cookies whenI shut down. Somebody told me it helps keep naughties outa the system.


That's fine but there is a price you pay in lost convenience when you dump the cookies every time. And yes it is completely possible it is a problem here but not on other forums. Has all to do with the software the forum is using I seem to remember Wilbur saying the last software update here was to fix security problems. With your cookies cleared out when you come back you are apparently a stranger to the server until you identify your self by logging in which sets cookies in your browser history so when you come back it can tell you are already logged in, except of course if you clear out the cookies.


Damn, I'm getting lousy at communicating. I dump my cookies when I shut down my PC, not when I shut down BR Central. It has always dumped my cookies when it shuts down from the very first time, & that was before I started to clean out my PC when I turn it off.

This forum is different from every other forum I am a member of. Most I can log in & will stay logged in as long as my PC isn't turned off. I'm still there when I return.

This one won't do that. It won't recognize me when I drop out & return after ticking the Remember Me box. This one dumps my cookies when I log out - it tells me that in the shutdown window.

Sorry John
You communicated it just fine. I , misread this earlier post. I really have no idea why it loses your information must be a setting in the browser preferences. Try a different browser and see what happens. Try Firefox if you are not already using it.

Do you have an antivirus program?
Webroot makes a good product that is reasonable and does automatic virus sweeps with an online virus definition update. Get the spy sweeper and antivirus version.
If so you don't really need to dump your cookies.
Try firefox as a browser it seems to be more secure than Internet explorer.
Make sure the remember me box is checked when you log in.
Found the bugger. Somebody (well, it couldn't have been me, could it?) had set my history save to zero days.

Tickled it up to a few & she works now, but........

Why was it this site & and one other hasselled by that not all the rest that I could stay logged into. Dayam, I hate being computer semiliterate!


I do have a good pox checker (NOD32) & a router firewall & a PC firewall & etc etc, but I did resolve the problem by loading Firefox & checking out that everything worked on that software. Thanks for the help.

.... and being a forum tragic, I have to remember to mark all forums read before I leave or I can't search for new posts elegantly.

Ah, one monkey off my back, another simian on board!
I see there's a few possibilities people have found.

1: cookie domain is wrong. Are some of you using an old link from your favorites that points to If so, delete that link from your favorites or whereever it is, and use without the www.

2: Custom skins. Some claim that various styles are causing a cookie issue. I'm unsure of how that could be related, but, I find that on the vbulletin forum.

And, as John found above, it would appear that setting the cache to minimum may also do this. I had the same trouble with Opera and IE some time ago. For what ever reason, I no longer have that trouble.

Note to Wilbur. An entry in the .htaccess file for the site, allowing a redirect to, or the other way around, seems to fix this problem for a lot of people. Whatever the cookie domain is set to (presumably the other domain would need redirected. When looking on the Vbulliten forum, there's a lot of folks with this trouble for various reasons, but, still plenty of unsolved ones too.

The site logs me off if I take too long typing as well. I had my IT guy try to sort it if it was my computer causing it. His final reply is I can't see anything with your system thats causing it. It's just another dodgy site. One of many millions of them that are out there.

The thing is if we had a BR rifle that behaved like this we would spend as much time any money as necessaryto get it right. Chances are the hosts of the site are not BR shooters.

OK for what its worth it can actually be your ISP.
There was a sight I used for over a year to pay my wife's cell phone bill.
Then suddenly one day I could no longer log into the sight kept getting timed out errors. Blamed the site for several months until one day. I tried to use a friends laptop to log in and could not.
I have same ISP at home and work. No matter what pc in those locations I tried I could not do it.

Finally I took my lap top down to the library and sat in the parking lot and low and behold I could log in. Took care of it went back to the shop and could not log in.
Complained to the ISP who claimed they dont block sites. Next week I could again log in from the shop.
Next month same thing so I found the number for the head of IT for my ISP and gave him 3 ear fulls.
Said he would check into it. Came back said it was not them gave him more than an ear full.
He emailed me the next day and asked if it was fixed and it was. Funny it wasnt their fault but they fixed it and have not had it happen again.
Guess he doesnt want me saying the things I said to him....ohhhh welllll dont lie to me and I am ok.