Camp Sumter Rifle Range


Phil Deese

We are trying to complete the installation of a roof on our new range before the season starts in April, If you are interested in buying a bench we will install your name on a plaque for $100.00 or for $150.00 you will get a 1 year membership and your name on a bench. If you are a member you will also have access to camping or motor home parking for the year. The range is in Andersonville, Ga, right accoss from the Andersonville Civil War Museum and Cemetary and within 15 miles of the Montezuma range and approximately 70 miles of the Georgetown, Ga range. If you are interested please contact me at 229-591-4139. You can also visit the Camp Sumter website at for more pictures and information about the range.
I forgot to mention we have 15 benches with additional space for 30, please let us know the number of the bench you would like to have. You can also just mail a check made out to Camp Sumter Shooting Association to my Address 161 Mallard LN Americus, GA 31719. Not only will the range be used for various sport shooting events, but we will use the range to help train the Boy Scouts and other youth groups the value of shooting. If your name there you will be a part of their training.
I have talked to the business that will make the plaques and they said they can add military emblems with the name and date of service, so if you have a son, daughter or other relative that you would like to honor on one of the benches it would be greatly appreciated. I'll try and take pictures of the plaques and post them as they are completed. Mickey Law thanks for your now own bench 11! I'll probably wait until I have about 5 plaques to do before I have the trophy business make them up.
Phil - Put "" down for what you think is the "honey hole" bench. I'll send the check when the mail "person" comes.
Wilbur-I figured out a long time ago the "Honey Hole" is were I am never at!! Your check will be appreciated I'll put you at bench "6" right by me on bench "7" and you can tell me when to shoot when you come down!! I thought I would get some requests for bench"3" because that's was Earnharts number, but no takers yet.
Mike, I just checked it and I don't have anything from you.
WOW!!! I better start making some more target frames!!:eek::eek::eek:
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Just got an anonymous donation for Mr. Gordon Eck his name will now live in Georgia!! Mike Cameron....still no email.
Mike Cameron...Still no message.......If your having problems getting in touch with me send me a private message here or call me on my phone it's on this thread.
Bob Collins bought bench 8...thanks Bob for the help..he also became a member. Gordon Eck's bench will be number 1 and it will be called "The Yankee Clipper".
In case you dont get my e-mail again Phil I said put me one near the middle one of the 150.00 spots with a year membership.Ill get the $ to you.
Thanks Mike, We really appreciate the help. I'll put you by Bob Collins on bench 9 if that's okay.
To have my name down South with you fine Gentlmen is A OK with me. Not sure who to thank yet but one name sticks out. Glad to see it working out for the Shooters and Club.
Gordon...remember a part of you will always be in Georgia! Sure wish you and Melvin could come shoot with us some time. Just a little ways down the road is Andersonville Civil War Memorial where a lot of northern and southern soilders are buried..a great place to visit. And travel another 20 miles and you can visit one of our worst president's birthplace..Jimmy Carter...the Obama of the 70's!!
My Son-In-Law LT. Chad Layfield USMC/USN bought bench 2. That is the number of the USS Essex that he is attached to in Japan.