Camp Maria's USARB Indoor 25 yard Match Report for Saturday 2/23/2019, Yelm WA.

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's USARB Indoor 25 yard Match Report for Saturday 2/23/2019, Yelm WA.

We had another good Saturday to shoot a match. The temperature was in the mid 20's at 7 a.m. At 9 a.m. start time it hit 39 degrees. Did I say we shoot our matches in a open air barn and use wind flags! We had lite breezes all morning and it made the matches very interesting to shoot. We had three 250's shoot, all by Ron Price. Nice going Ron.

Name Class Equipment/Cal. T1 Score x's T2 Score x's T3 Score x's Total Score
Ron Price HV Thomas .177 T1 250 18x T2 250 12x T3 249 17x Total Score 749 47x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas .177 T1 249 11x T2 248 14x T3 246 12x Total Score 743 37x
Relay 2
Ron Price HV Thomas .177 T1 250 11x T2 244 15x T3 249 16x Total Score 743 42x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas .177 T1 248 10x T2 249 11x T3 248 13x Total Score 745 34x

Dave Zinski Match Director