Camp Maria's USARB Indoor 25 yard Match Report for 1/12/2019

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's USARB Indoor 25 yard Match Report for 1/12/2019
The match had some very nice scores shot even with the light swirling, dancing breezes rolling about the range. We had four 250's shot. Two 250's were shot in each of our two sanctioned matches. Ron Price shot 250 twice in the first relay and dropped only one point on a third target for a total score of 749 37x's. Ron Price followed that on the second relay by a repeat of scoring two 250's and one 249 for a total of 749 44x's. Nice shooting Ron.
I wish to thank Matt Spradlin and John Parrish for scoring all the targets for the two matches.

Name Class Equipment Cal. T1 x's T2 x's T3 x's Total Score Total x's
Relay 1
Dave Brown HV AA EV2 177 T1 244 12x T2 240 2x T3 243 5x Total Score 727 19x
John Parrish HV Thomas 177 T1 245 6x T2 244 9x T3 248 10x Total Score 737 25x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177 T1 250 14x T2 249 9x T3 250 14x Total Score 749 37x
Matt Spradlin LV Thomas 177 T1 249 11x T2 249 10x T3 237 5x Total Score 735 26x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177 T1 247 9x T2 249 9x T3 247 8x Total Score 743 26x
Relay 2
Dave Brown HV AAEV2 177 T1 241 6x T2 243 5x T3 243 3x Total Score 727 14x
John Parrish HV Thomas 177 T1 246 14x T2 246 13x T3 249 12x Total Score 741 39x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177 T1 249 14x T2 250 15x T3 250 15x Total Score 749 44x
Matt Spradlin LV Thomas 177 T1 245 4x T2 242 5x T3 244 10x Total Score 731 19x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177 T1 249 7x T2 247 13x T3 245 7x Total Score 741 27x 's
Dave Zinski Match Director
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