Camp Maria's USARB 25 Yard Indoor Match Report for 4/27/2019 YELM WA.

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's USARB 25 yard Indoor Mach Report for Saturday 4/27/2019, YELM WA.

The morning found a cold north breeze sweeping down and hitting us in the face. This had the effect of dropping our body temperature down till on the last target of relay two we had no feeling left in are fingers. With no feelings in either hand one old salt of a seamen showed he could still bank off the north winds and sail to the only 250 finish of the day. John Parrish shoot the one and only 250 for a great ending to our indoor season on his last target.
Relay 1
Name Class Equipment Cal. Targets: T1 T2 T3 Total Score Total X Count
John Parrish HV Thomas .177 T1 245 5x T2 247 9x T3 245 6x Total Score 737 20x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas .177 T1 246 5x T2 247 12x T3 246 10x Total Score 739 27x
Relay 2
John Parrish HV Thomas .177 T1 248 8x T2 248 12x T3 250 12x Total Score 746 32x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas .177 T1 247 10x T2 245 10x T3 247 11x Total Score 739 31x

Dave Zinski Match Director