Camp Maria's Indoor 25 Yard Match Report for 3/23/2019, Yelm WA.

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's Indoor 25 Yard Match Report for 3/23/2019, Yelm WA.

The morning gave way to temperatures that were above freezing but just barely and the breezes came and went giving way to some openings to shoot some good cards. Three 250's were shoot. Two 250's by Ron Price in heavy varmint and one 250 in light varmint by Dave Zinski.

Name Class Equipment Cal. Targets: T1 T2 T3 Total Score Total X Count
Relay 1
Ron Price HV Thomas Cal. .177 T1 250 16x T2 249 10x T3 249 12x Total Score 748 38 x's
Dave Zinski LV Thomas Cal. .177 T1 250 10x T2 249 8x T3 248 12x Total Score 747 30 x's
Relay 2
Ron Price HV Thomas Cal. .177 T1 250 13x T2 250 10 x T3 249 12x Total Score 749 35 x's
Dave Zinski LV Thomas Cal. .177 T1 247 13x T2 245 7x T3 246 8x Total Score 738 28 x's

Dave Zinski Match Director