Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB May 16th 2018 Match Report/New Record Score by Ron Priice

Dave Zinski

New member
Congratulation to Ron Price for his Verified USARB Outdoor Spring Piston Record Score 713-16x shoot on Wednesday May 16th at Camp Maria

May 16 2018 was Camp Maria's first Wednesday outdoor relay one spring piston shoot out. We found the morning winds to be very kind to us. Three shooters with old rifles from the other side of the pond answered the call. Ron Price showed Jim and Dave he remembered how to read the winds. Ron had two great top relay scores. Ron shot the high score for relay one with 713 16x's and relay two's high score of 698 11x's. Great shooting Ron.

CAMP MARIA 5/16/2018
Relay 1 25 meters outdoors Spring Piston Shoot Out
Name Class Equipment target 1 x's target 2 x's target 3 x's total score
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 242 6x T2 236 2x T3 235 8x 713 16x
Jim Benson Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 227 5x T2 227 2x T3 220 3 674 10x
Dave Zinski Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 210 1x T2 222 0x's T3 228 0x's 660 1x

Relay 2 25 meters outdoors
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 237 4x T2 235 5x T3 226 2x 698 11x
Jim Benson Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 217 0x T2 217 1x T3 216 1x 650 2x
Dave Zinski Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 223 1x T2 231 2x T3 222 3x 676 6x

Match Director: Dave Zinski