Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB 7/18/2018 Match Report

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria Match Report USARB Wednesday 7/18/20

Note from the match director of the winds, trails and roads that lead to Camp Maria Range's area located on the Yelm prairie. The fallowing was copied from the early history of Yelm:
"The shimmering, fertile prairie stretched and rolled as far as the eye could see. In the shadow of Mt. Rainier, the pristine Nisqually River carved its path through the endless prairie long before the feet of countless travelers etched their own silent mark.

According to Nisqually legend, the area was first known as Shelm, the name given to the shimmering heat waves which dance and play above the prairie when the summer sun shines hot. A great prairie creates a great haze. The Nisqually emphasized this by drawing out the syllable to say "S-S-S-SHELM". The impatient Euro-American settlers eventually shortened this to Yelm.

The Yelm prairie was the crossroads of Native American trails leading north from the Cowlitz River and the Bald Hills trail leading to Naches Pass over the Cascades. The Nisqually Indians utilized these trails, then fur traders, the British operators of the Hudson Bay Company and American settlers and eventually the Northern Pacific Railroad".

The Yelm High School mascot is a tornado. It was named so after a small tornado blew through the small town of Yelm in the early 20th century. And yes we still see small tornados here today. The wind can roll, fishtail and hit us fast and hard changing it's directions often.

CAMP MARIA Wednesday 7/18/2018
Relay 1 25 meters outdoors Spring Piston Shoot Out
Name Class Equipment target 1 x's target 2 x's target 3 x's total score
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 232 4x T2 238 6x T3 233 3x 703 13x
Dave Zinski Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 220 1x T2 224 1x T3 222 2x 666 4x

Relay 2 25 meters outdoors
Ron Price Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 227 3x T2 225 5x T3 233 5x 685 13x
Dave Zinski Spring Piston FWB 300S 177cal T1 222 1x T2 228 1x T3 223 2x 673 4x

Match Director: Dave Zinski
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