Camp Marai's USARB outdoor 25 meter Match Report for 10/13/2018

Dave Zinski

New member
Camp Maria's 25 meter outdoor Match Report for 10/13/2018
Maria's wind was light for the first two targets of the first match of the morning and this made life easy for the five shooters that turned out. The second relay was very different and found Maria with her hammer down moving fast switching from east to west turning around back west to east changing again and again etc. etc...……..
Name Class Equipment/Cal T1 Score X's T2 Score X's T3 Score X's Total Score Total X's
Relay 1
Jim Benson LV P70 JR 177cal T1 229 2x T2 230 0x T3 238 5x Total Score 697 7x
Matt Spradlin LV Thomas 177cal T1 230 1x T2 229 5x T3 229 2x Total Score 688 8x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177cal T1 243 6x T2 240 7x T3 244 1x Total Score 727 14x
John Parrish HV Thomas 177cal T1 243 4x T2 231 5x T3 235 5x Total Score 709 14x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177cal T1 245 9x T2 245 8x T3 245 7x Total Score 735 24x
Relay 2
Jim Benson LV P70 JR 177cal T1 234 7x T2 230 4x T3 222 2x Total Score 686 13x
Matt Spradlin LV Thomas 177cal T1 229 4x T2 219 3x T3 236 4x Total Score 684 11x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177cal T1 233 4x T2 236 5X T3 224 4x Total Score 693 13x
John Parrish HV Thomas 177cal T1 244 8x T2 236 2x T3 239 8x Total Score 719 18x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177cal T1 242 7x T2 242 5x T3 239 8x Total Score 723 20
Dave Zinski Match Director