Camillus Schedule



Steve asked me to post the Camillus 50/50 schedule for 2013. Dates posted below;

May 26
June 16
July 28
Sept. 15

All matches start at 9:00 am with 3 gun followed by Unlimited. Hope to see old friends and new faces, all are welcome.

Ken Henderson
April ?

Ok......I guess we wont be shooting in April this season,"at least not in Camillus" Yeah....30deg. and windy was a bit much last year. I had planned to go about it more like deer hunting, maybe even building a camp fire. Lol!!! Oh well..... see ya'll in May.
Ok......I guess we wont be shooting in April this season,"at least not in Camillus" Yeah....30deg. and windy was a bit much last year. I had planned to go about it more like deer hunting, maybe even building a camp fire. Lol!!! Oh well..... see ya'll in May.

You're certainly welcome to come down to Easthampton Fish & Game in Southampton, MA on April 27th. There will be a 3-Gun match in the morning, Lunch (provided) and a UL match in the afternoon. Unfortunately our schedule hasn't been posted on the the IR 50/50 site yet. If you're interested in the Easthampton Fish & Game schedule, drop me an email and I send you out one.


You're certainly welcome to come down to Easthampton Fish & Game in Southampton, MA on April 27th. There will be a 3-Gun match in the morning, Lunch (provided) and a UL match in the afternoon. Unfortunately our schedule hasn't been posted on the the IR 50/50 site yet. If you're interested in the Easthampton Fish & Game schedule, drop me an email and I send you out one.


If you hang around until Sunday Salem will also be doing a 3 gun in the AM with a UL to follow!
It will not be a soty just warm-up for May!!

Mike & Pete: Thank You. Ill note those dates. Can't wait to get shooting! Ed.