Camillus IR 50/50 Results 8-27-11



It was a nice day to shoot today. Light switching wind, temp 70-80 at about 70% humidity. It did have a few thicks up it's sleeves however. We had 6 shooters today. Thanks to everybody for helping out today. Ed, Don,Bob for target stand duty. Herb and Ken for running targets. A special guest appearence by Warren and Joyce who got snagged for scoring ( did a great job too), Cyndi for data entry and muffins. If you don't see your name above, thanks for being a referee. Heres the top 3.

Name Place Score X's FM
Bob Raide 1 250 14 2
Tim Simbari 2 249 12 19
Steve Brookhouse 3 247 7 8

10 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
Bob Raide 1 250 22 6
Tim Simbari 2 249 18 2
Steve Brookhouse 3 248 16 11

13 1/2 LB
Name Place Score X's FM
Steve Brookhouse 1 250 17 3
Tim Simbari 2 250 16 2
Bob Raide 3 249 16 3

3 Gun Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Bob Raide 1 749 52 250
Tim Simbari 2 748 46 249
Steve Brookhouse 3 745 40 247

Unlimited 1
Name Place Score X's FM
Steve Brookhouse 1 250 10 2
Bob Raide 2 248 18 6
Tim Simbari 3 248 14 6

Unlimited 2
Name Place Score X's FM
Steve Brookhouse 1 250 15 6
Tim Simbari 2 249 18 21
Ken Henderson 3 248 16 11

Unlimited 3
Name Place Score X's FM
Steve Brookhouse 1 249 15 8
Bob Raide 2 249 15 2
Tim Simbari 3 247 13 7

Unl Agg
Name Place Score X's FM
Steve Brookhouse 1 749 40 250
Bob Raide 2 744 47 248
Tim Simbari 3 744 45 248