California bill would ban all lead ammo, target included

I know for positive that at least one Calif. Gun firm announced at the NRA Convention that they were moving to Texas. Stag Arms, a large AR mfg. co., is moving to Texas. Colts division that MFG. AR and so called black rifles is moving to Breckenridge, Tx. I believe you are going to see a mass exodus of gun related business moving out of some of these states.
If nothing else they need to have their accounting people look at what this is costing the state.
My brother is an Economic Development person. I said how in the world can you give a firm land, tax breaks, and build them a large building? He said if the firm had approx 50 employees he could invest a couple million in land and facilites and recoup his money in 2-3 years. Just think of what the impact of 50 new employees spending money in his city. You will still see tax money coming from the company at a reduced rate for about 3-5yrs, but it still adds up. need to identify who the people are that you need to contact, and make that contact now. need to identify who the people are that you need to contact, and make that contact now. need to identify who the people are that you need to contact, and make that contact now.

You and Now being the key words!
The reference that caused me to start this thread was from a letter to the editor that I was reading in an electronic edition of our local paper, as I drank my first morning cup of coffee. Some time later, I looked up the text of the bill, and found that the reference to target shooting was in error, although is does encompass all hunting of game and non game birds and mammals, throughout the state. In my opinion the list of supporting organizations, is primarily comprised of groups that can generally be characterized as anti hunting, and anti gun, and this bill is an example of an unending stream that we have to put up with on the left coast. I still think that it is a good idea to contact your state assemblyman, and state senator about this bill, which is why I have left the thread in place. Luckily, both of my state legislators are firmly in the pro gun, pro hunting, camp. Some time ago, I contacted them on a related matter, and received those assurances. Again, my apologies for the mistake.
lead bullets

It has been scientifically proven that lead ammunition will only harm you if you are shot with it. It came out of the ground and if it goes back in the ground that is natural. This is all a hoax perpetrated by the politicians [communists] in California.
Where are all those liberal shooters when we need 'em? I could shore use some reassurance right now that "it's gonna' be all right"....... that I'm just a wacko resisting change, that the 2nd Amendment is outdated, written by dinosaurs back when folks were less smarter than they are today.

That "The Right Rever'nt Obama and his Sycophants aren't after GUNS, they're just trying to help us be better people...."

Hope and Change


The reference that caused me to start this thread was from a letter to the editor that I was reading in an electronic edition of our local paper, as I drank my first morning cup of coffee. Some time later, I looked up the text of the bill, and found that the reference to target shooting was in error, although is does encompass all hunting of game and non game birds and mammals, throughout the state.

Oh, only hunting of game and non game birds and mammals with out lead. TODAY. Give them that today and you will give them the rest tomorrow...............

Next time some anti-gun nitwit claims that the Second Amendment applies to flintlocks, tell them that the First Amendment should only apply to hand cranked printing presses, and the Town Crier, since the internet, #2 pencils, telephones, and cameras weren't around then.:mad:
It's Simply Good Business.....

For firms (of any type) to move OUT of Cali.

Not to be negative about Cali or saying, "Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo, we got another business to move out of Cali and come to Texas."

We are trying to get S&W to move here too. They are in Mass, a state that openly despises the product, but greedily want's the tax $$.

BUT, the facts are: Texas is in the black. Conservative fiscal management has us w/ a budget surplus. The laws in Texas are business-friendly. Safety rules are common sense. Texas is a right to work state, Unions can't break the back of businesses. Taxes are low and the governor is calling for a tax reduction. Housing and property is reasonably priced. NO state income tax. Texas KNOWS a state CANNOT tax its way to prosperity. We are gun friendly and right now we have bills moving through the legislature to forbid the Feds from attempting to enforce any federal anti-measures within the borders of Texas.

Honestly, I don't think you can stem the tide of Cali anti-gun rules, fees and restrictions.

Sad to say, businesses (even the TV and movie industry) and people are flocking out of Cali. You can "bust a move" out too (oh yes you can).

All JIMHO and I'm just sayin'.

QUOTE=Butch Lambert;707649]Boyd,
I know for positive that at least one Calif. Gun firm announced at the NRA Convention that they were moving to Texas. Stag Arms, a large AR mfg. co., is moving to Texas. Colts division that MFG. AR and so called black rifles is moving to Breckenridge, Tx. I believe you are going to see a mass exodus of gun related business moving out of some of these states.
If nothing else they need to have their accounting people look at what this is costing the state.
My brother is an Economic Development person. I said how in the world can you give a firm land, tax breaks, and build them a large building? He said if the firm had approx 50 employees he could invest a couple million in land and facilites and recoup his money in 2-3 years. Just think of what the impact of 50 new employees spending money in his city. You will still see tax money coming from the company at a reduced rate for about 3-5yrs, but it still adds up.[/QUOTE]
Next time some anti-gun nitwit claims that the Second Amendment applies to flintlocks, tell them that the First Amendment should only apply to hand cranked printing presses, and the Town Crier, since the internet, #2 pencils, telephones, and cameras weren't around then.:mad:

Dude, that's beautiful!
Why not give California back to Mexico? Just think of all the Federal tax money we would save. From what I hear anyway, the population is mostly Hispanic anyway. Plus, the left wouldn't have as many automatic electoral votes.

Just my knee jerk reaction.

Why not give California back to Mexico? Just think of all the Federal tax money we would save. From what I hear anyway, the population is mostly Hispanic anyway. Plus, the left wouldn't have as many automatic electoral votes.

We are all in this together. The next state to go back to Mexico might be Texas. The fact is that we are all interconnected. We are the United States. What happens to one matters to the rest. The weirdness that happens in one state matters to all of us. Besides, what would our map look like without California. Toothless comes to mind.

Think about it!
We are all in this together. The next state to go back to Mexico might be Texas. The fact is that we are all interconnected. We are the United States. What happens to one matters to the rest. The weirdness that happens in one state matters to all of us. Besides, what would our map look like without California. Toothless comes to mind.

Think about it!

Toothless.....why? Is that where all the dentists come from? It wouldn't hurt my feelings if California, Mass, NJ, NY, Colorado and Conn were forcefully removed from the union!