Caldwell Rests



Are any of the current crop of Caldwell rests suitable for BR? I've been looking at the "Rock BR" and the "Fire Control" front rest. I'm on the list for a Cowan, but it will be awhile. As you may have guessed I am way new to this. There s no one in my area that shoots BR much less rimfire BR. My priamry goals are to test some loads and participate in some postal matches. Thanks for the help. Dave
a friend of mine has the fire control set up. it is rough. movement is not smooth or easy with it. i had a caldwell br 1000 rest. i now have a fudd top on the base. it works great now that i put that top on it.
You don't say what kind of BR you will shoot other than the postal. I'm new to rimfire BR and shoot in the unlimited classes. The single best equipment purchase was my Pappas one piece rest. Regards
I have two fire controls. They are pretty good for the money. with a little work they smooth up but the knobs are plastic and will strip. I replace with cheap metal shifter knobs. It would be nice to have an expensive one but after a little adjusting they do ok.
You don't say what kind of BR you will shoot other than the postal. I'm new to rimfire BR and shoot in the unlimited classes. The single best equipment purchase was my Pappas one piece rest. Regards

I'm most interested in group shooting. There is something that facinates me about stickin' in the same little hole. Dave
Dave, you might take a look at these targets:
They are the USBR targets that are very nice for shooting practice groups or trying your hand at the 50 yard BR game. ARA and 50-50 use different targets styles, but the object of shooting 25 centers remains. They are great to learn shooting the wind. You will have a lot of fun no matter what rest you wind up with. Regards
Dave, you might take a look at these targets:
They are the USBR targets that are very nice for shooting practice groups or trying your hand at the 50 yard BR game. ARA and 50-50 use different targets styles, but the object of shooting 25 centers remains. They are great to learn shooting the wind. You will have a lot of fun no matter what rest you wind up with. Regards

Thanks, KAZ. I have 250 of them now, been there, done that. I appreciate the thought. Folks around here are willing to help, and I like it. Thanks again. d