C.v. Rod and gun club tourny sun sept 11th (cash payout)



C.v. Rod and gun club ARA tourny sun sept 11th (cash payout)

c.v. rod and gun in elkland pa will be hosting its first club tourny
sunday sept 11th
6 targets
$45 entry fee
lunch included
limited to 30 shooters (over 10 confirmed already)
payback for each target winner (1dollar per shooter entered ex. 10 shooters 10 dollars)
top 5 overall paid back
payback based on number of shooters( the more shooters the more you can win)
9 am sign ups 10 am start
please call 607 368 1336 to get signed up
any one sharing equip please let me know tim stratton
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dont miss out on a great time see you there sunday
those coming from the west the word on high water is all clear
i cant say same from the east but sounds like most major roads are passable and once your west of elmira most secondary roads are good as well but please drive safe
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dont miss out on a great time see you there sunday
those coming from the west the word on high water is all clear
i cant say same from the east but sounds like most major roads are passable and once your west of elmira most secondary roads are good as well but please drive safe

I don't think I can make it tomorrow. Heavy rain here, flooded the basement waiting for the water to go down. Hope you guys had better luck.

sorry to hear it tony will miss you good luck with the water ever think indoor pool? been clear and sunny all day here tomm is supposed to be about same i hear