Butch Hongisto



Checked several threads to find contact info, came up with tel 573-468-3234. I've been trying that number several times a day for 3 weeks. Is this a good number or can anyone give me better contact info, perhaps bus. hours or an address? Thanks much Charles
Butch's ContaCT INFO.

Here is Butch,s contact info. He is hard to get a hold of as he suffers from migraines, sometimes weeks at a time and almost dibilitating. Awesome trigger job on a 52c for me. Best to email him. Give him time he will answer.

441 Manion
Sullivan MO. 63080
O G H, Thanks much for your speedy reply. 52 triggers is one of the reasons I'd like to talk with him. Everything I hear of his work is very complimentary. Migraines can certainly be debilitating, I hope he's feeling better, and that my calls didn't contribute to the pain. Thanks again Charles
E-mail is the way to go

I just e-mailed Butch to make sure that his computer was up and running, it went TU last week.
He answered me right a way, so he is getting e-mails now and he said that is the best way to get in touch with him.
Butch is a great guy and the work he has done for me has been super. I have one of his re-worked 52 triggers on my 52D rifle and it is a clean and consistent 2 oz.
da mighty finn.....it's too cold to shoot rimfire in alaska...that's why the triggers keep breaking at 2oz.:D:D