there are alot of variables to consider. Obj. bell O.D.,how far the bell is in front of the foward mount, the .02 slope of the base, barrel Dia. and difference in height between the barrel and action. Now with all that said the OUTSIDE Obj. bell Dia. on my Burris Blk. Dia. is 58mm I have the 30mm +.01 -.01 inserts in my rings( High ) for the .02 slope . The front of Obj. is 7.25 inches in front of the front ring and I have 3/16 clearance between the Obj. and the barrel block which is 3/16 above reciever Dia. If you measurements are similar you would have no trouble with useing the HIGH rings. The 30mm rings come in 3 heights Med ,High , Extra high. But MEASURE or MOCK up first.Center of bore to center of scope is 2.06 in. @ turret centerline.