Burn Rate



I was trying to find where the new LT-32 powder falls on the burn rate chart and have not seen it anywhere. Does anyone have this info ? I checked the Accurate web site and it is not listed at this time. Tom
You do realize

I was trying to find where the new LT-32 powder falls on the burn rate chart and have not seen it anywhere. Does anyone have this info ? I checked the Accurate web site and it is not listed at this time. Tom

That this powder is brand new? It will be a year or 2 b-4 there are printed burn charts in general circulation.
Why not call and ask the manufacturer:

Western Powders, Inc.
PO Box 158
Top of Yellowstone Hill
Miles City, MT 59301

No one is going to know more than they will. :)
My .02 worth

The new LT-32 has performed well for me in both the 6PPC and my proprietary cartridges, the 220 and 6mm Beggs. Nearly all of my shooting is done in the tunnel and velocity is checked with an Oehler 35 chronograph.

Burn rate is faster than N133 but slightly slower than H4198 Extreme. It's never a problem getting the charge in the case to obtain 3400 fps in the 6's and 3500 in the 220 Beggs. One thing that stands out about LT-32 is how well it meters through my Jones measure. Extreme spreads are noticeably reduced. With thrown charges of H4198 I usually see 35 to 40 fps extreme spreads which shoot very well by the way, but with LT-32 my extreme spreads are typically 20 to 24 fps. I can see no difference in accuracy with either powder but in my opinion accuracy depends more on the barrel, bullets and shooter. LT-32 is good stuff! :D Better than anything else? :eek: Probably not but time will tell. It's nice to have another good option. You did good Lou!

Gene Beggs
Thanks for good info Gene, you are right,I did email Western Powders and they said it fell between their 1680 and 2200 . That is about what Gene replyed to.