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martin hammond

when I was a kid, my neighbor Paul Miller was my mentor. I would cut his grass pull dandelions with a screwdriver. remove the ice from the spouts until my fingers were raw, I used to complain and mr miller chastised me. because of this man I learned never to fear especially. bullies. you see Mr. Paul Miller was a member of the lost brigade. the germans set him on fire, they bayoneted him he was shot in the leg and arm in the end they tried to gas him. from him I learned this only dust under your bed and beau, lynn, gene slick willy if you think your bullying is going to affect me. think again. like mr. miller told me whimpering in your fox hole only gets you killed. so you bullies look for another victem.

The same should go for you. As a matter of fact between us the only threat ever came from you. I guess it wasn't really a threat as the law says you have to take it seriously and I didn't. But a couple of weeks ago I made a pact with myself that whatever dribble came down the line from you was just you and had nothing to do with me. So, I stay out of your business and you stay out of mine and that include mentioning my name in any fashion. I realize what you think but I don't think the other party does. He hasn't been around long enough. Either way you're wrong as usual. I probably shouldn't even post this, but I'm just getting a little tired of it. You say what you want, but keep me out of it and I won't start a Martin Hammond post on rimfireaccuracy. And the Germans never set you on fire, as usual you need somebody else's experiences to have something to say.
I have never bullied you.
I was trying to point out some mistakes you have about how a barrel vibrates and simply asked you to visit Varmint Al's website.I only asked you to look there because you seemed to trust his work.He clearly points out your misconceptions and he clearly states he magnifies his models by a large amount which you have been bullying Bill Calfee about and calling him names about for some time now.
I wish you well in whateveer it is you are doing or trying to do and as Beau has requested please don't use or mention myself in any of your posts.
Lynn aka Waterboy
If you guys would make use of the 'Ignore' function [ aka the DA function ] you could save yourselves a lot of grief. Then all you would see is:

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when I was a kid, my neighbor Paul Miller was my mentor. I would cut his grass pull dandelions with a screwdriver. remove the ice from the spouts until my fingers were raw, I used to complain and mr miller chastised me. because of this man I learned never to fear especially. bullies. you see Mr. Paul Miller was a member of the lost brigade. the germans set him on fire, they bayoneted him he was shot in the leg and arm in the end they tried to gas him. from him I learned this only dust under your bed and beau, lynn, gene slick willy if you think your bullying is going to affect me. think again. like mr. miller told me whimpering in your fox hole only gets you killed. so you bullies look for another victem.

If you think I've bullied you, you are full of sh#t. I'm 68 years old and have never bullied anyone that I remember. It just bothers me to see someone make a fool of themself.
Either get out and start shooting matches with other shooters and prove yourself or shut the f--- up. There's new shooters that read this crap that might not see thru your motive.
You of all people have no right to accuse anyone of writing jibberish or whatever you called Bill C's book. Until you have accomplished something that you can back up quit trying to educate the world.
Martin, you might have something to offer,but you anti Calfee rants make you look very imature! Wilbur should bar you from posting at least until we kick Obama from office, then we `ll need you to run for Senator from PA on the Tea Party ticket where you can direct your energy in a useful manner! Get you Oreo`s and Milk and we`ll see you in 2012. WJC PS Martin , YOU should delete this Tread, it makes you look like a cry baby!
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