Bullseye Camera System.

"Frustrated" covers a lot of potential ground, what's the problem? That camera system looks to be intriguing based on their website description.
Does anyone else have one of these? I have 2 sitting I'n my shop right now am I'm frustrated to say the least.


I represent Bullseye Camera Systems. We are more than happy to assist you. Make sure that the camera/transmitter are in clear line of sight and not obstructed. Also, make sure you have the laptop in clear line of sight with the camera/transmitter. We have tested the 1000 Yard Edition to a mile with clear line of sight and still had 25% signal strength. Please contact us directly and we are more than happy to walk you through setup and provide you pictures on setup if desired!

I don't want to violate any forum rules, so please contact us and we can get you set up properly.
Lou. Can I call and pick your brain?

I have two of these they are the best thing out there.
The software is fantastic .
Best thing to do is set it up a 100 yards and learn it. Then go to 600 or 1000 yard.
If they would let you use one in nbrsa I would probably shoot that agin.
Slim Pickens was a real cowboy who turned to acting. When he was on the rodeo circuit someone asked how he was doing? He said that as far as prize money was concerned, there was "slim pickens". The nickname stuck and he used it during his long acting career. He was in many John Wayne westerns and also in TV shows like Gunsmoke and Bonanza. James
"Pick my brain" I wonder how many of the 125 people viewed this were like me and had to reread 3 times to figure why you were messing with James. Although interesting trivia for Slim Pickens. Thanks for chiming in on the Bullseye Camera- looks like the most bang for your buck. I intend on getting one. Stephen
Actually Don, I did realize that you were jabbing Lou, but I couldn't help but correct you when I had a chance :p. Good shooting...James
I represent Bullseye Camera Systems. We are more than happy to assist you.

I've been looking for a target camera and this looks like something I can use, however I found no information on the site regarding shipping outside USA and voltage for the charger.

If you ship to Iceland and the charger is for 240V then I will order one.
I've been looking for a target camera and this looks like something I can use, however I found no information on the site regarding shipping outside USA and voltage for the charger.

If you ship to Iceland and the charger is for 240V then I will order one.

Our charger is 240/110. We ship overseas all the time. The batteries also charge via USB, so you can use a car charger or other charger that supports USB output.
Because of this thread I took a hard look at Bullseye. After looking around I decided to order one of there 1,000 yard systems. Placed the order and recieved the package in 4 days. It was raining so I set it up in the house and it worked great from 30 feet. Later that day I was able to set it up at 1,000 yards in my neigbhors oat field, man was I impressed the camera worked without a fault, and the soft ware after I got the idea thru my thick skull was a snap even for this old man.

I then was loading it back into the case ( it comes with its own handy carring case) and got everything squared away except for the "Booster" antenna which goes in last. Snapped that puppy right into two pieces, don't have a clue how I did it but these big ole hands of mine or not for delicate work I guess. I then dropped the router and the cover snapped off, just wasn't my day.

Called Bullseye and explaned to them what I had done and needed to order the Booster Antenna and a new router. Now understand I made myself clear that this was "NOT" there fault it was mine and mine alone. I fully expected to pay for what "I" had broken. Well they wern't having any of it and shipped me new parts free, and I recieved them today with enough light to go and shoot.

Camera system worked just like they say it will, so simple that even i can do this. cannot tell you how nice it is to have feedback from the target at distance ( today I shot at 700 yds).

Folks, if you are in need of a camera system I will Highly Recommend Bullseye. There customer service went way beyond what it should have and the product itself is just great.

Thanks Bullseye !!!

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Bullseye Camera and seeing holes in the black

Hi, Sounds like a great company. Before I get one of these, will it see a 22 cal bullet hole in the black of a 600 yd target if the camera is focused on the radius of the 7 or 8 ring of the standard MR 600 target as used in high power ?


Because of this thread I took a hard look at Bullseye. After looking around I decided to order one of there 1,000 yard systems. Placed the order and recieved the package in 4 days. It was raining so I set it up in the house and it worked great from 30 feet. Later that day I was able to set it up at 1,000 yards in my neigbhors oat field, man was I impressed the camera worked without a fault, and the soft ware after I got the idea thru my thick skull was a snap even for this old man.

I then was loading it back into the case ( it comes with its own handy carring case) and got everything squared away except for the "Booster" antenna which goes in last. Snapped that puppy right into two pieces, don't have a clue how I did it but these big ole hands of mine or not for delicate work I guess. I then dropped the router and the cover snapped off, just wasn't my day.

Called Bullseye and explaned to them what I had done and needed to order the Booster Antenna and a new router. Now understand I made myself clear that this was "NOT" there fault it was mine and mine alone. I fully expected to pay for what "I" had broken. Well they wern't having any of it and shipped me new parts free, and I recieved them today with enough light to go and shoot.

Camera system worked just like they say it will, so simple that even i can do this. cannot tell you how nice it is to have feedback from the target at distance ( today I shot at 700 yds).

Folks, if you are in need of a camera system I will Highly Recommend Bullseye. There customer service went way beyond what it should have and the product itself is just great.

Thanks Bullseye !!!

I visit you bullseye Camara System website you all have a wonderful work done in your field. So therefor now I want to conferm about my scales shop. I want to fixed camara system in my shop. So hoe you gona treat me for this setup creating. I also want to know that you just provide me the setup or services also?
Ntep Scales
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