Bull's Eye IR50/50 Match results 10/04/08


Tommy Williams

Gary we missed u 2 day, get well soon

1)Kent Owens 249-16X
2)Jerry McFall 248-9X
3)Bill Gambill 247-13X
4)Greg Davis 247-11X
5)Tommy Williams 244-8X
6)Charles Pippin 242-8X
7)Allen Stigall 241-12X
8)Robert Varney 239-8X
9)Jason Potocki 239-6X
10)Larry Willis 239-4X
11)Gene Cowan 237-8X
12)Sam Wright 234-6X
13)Billy Hillenbrand 232-8X

1)Robert Varney 250-17X
2)Greg Davis 249-16X
3)Bill Gambill 249-16X
4)Allen Stigall 249-14X
5)Kent Owens 248-16X
6)Charles Pippin 246-14X
7)Jason Potocki 246-13X
8)Jerry McFall 245-15X
9)Larry Willis 245-12X
10)Gene Cowan 244-11X
11)Sam Wright 243-11X
12)Tommy Williams 242-11X
13)Billy Hillenbrand 239-6X

1)Robert Varney 249-15X
2)Allen Stigall 248-18X
3)Bill Gambill 248-16X
4)Greg Davis 248-14X
5)Charles Pippin 248-11X
6)Gene Cowan 247-12X
7)Tommy Williams 247-11X
8)Kent Owens 246-19X
9)Jerry McFall 246-17X
10)Jason Potocki 246-10X
11)Sam Wright 245-4X
12)Larry Willis 243-13X
13)Billy Hillenbrand 242-12X

1)Bill Gambill 744-45X
2)Greg Davis 744-41X
3)Kent Owens 743-51X
4)Jerry McFall 739-41X
5)Allen Stigall 738-44X
6)Robert Varney 738-40X
7)Charles Pippin 736-33X
8)Tommy Williams 733-30X
9)Jason Potocki 731-29X
10)Gene Cowan 728-31X
11)Larry Willis 727-29X
12)Sam Wright 722-21X
13)Bill Hillenbrand 713-26X

For complete match results email me at piedmontgunclub@yahoo.com
Tommy Williams
Good shooting Guys. Congratulations on the sporter, Kent. Way to go, Robert. Good shooting Bill G. on the three gun.
Enjoyed the company yesterday guys, even if you guys ran over every local but Greg:D

Robert, you did a rare thing at Bullseye in shooting a 250. Normally our freaky wind dies down around 5 pm, then does a 180 for 30 minutes or so. After that, it's anybody's guess. The last target is usually the hardest, when you combine the shade cooling things off drasticly & all the wind flags blowing a different direction.

THANKS to all those donations for Gary Shelton. If anyone else wants to help, feel free to email me.
