Bullet Tipping Equipment



Once the decision to try bullet tipping is made, equipment selection is the next decision point. To my knowledge there are two commercially avaiable systems - Whidden and Hoover. Information on your experiences with either or both of these systems would be appreciated as would information on meplat trimmers such as the Hoover product. I am not satisfied with my Sinclair meplat trimming system. Thanks in advance.
I use the Widden system and the Montour meplat trimming gizmo. I have had very good results. The Hoover tipping device is bullet specific (as in 180 grin 7mm Berger), so if you only shoot one type of bullet, it may be a good choice for you.

I shoot a variety of bullets in my 7WSM, the 180 Berger, 175 Sierra SMKs, and 168 Berger. Hoover would have me buy three differnt tipping pointers, one for each of the different bullets (at roughly $40.00 per tipping gizmo). The Widden is not as pretty as the Hoover (the tip is not as blended into the shape of the front of the bullet), but it works and when you use multiple bullets is less expensive.

I'm currently doing an experiment to see if the two different devices have a noticable diffenerce in BC (my brother hase the Hoover and also uses 180 Bergers). We'll see.

Thanks for the reply - just the kind of information I'm looking for.
Let us know the results of your experiment as many of us would be interested.
Hoover meplat uniformer will cut to within .0005. pointing die works well also.

of what???? I've had or seen all of the metplat trimmers out there. All of them that I've seen use a mill bit and after awhile don't work very well. The best one I've ever seen was made by a fellow at home that used a sanding disc and a Wilson trimmer. Beatifully done tips.
To .0005 of each bullet oal. After sorting by bearing surface, the oal will be the same, which I interpret to mean the longer ogives are cut off more and the shorter ogives less. I'm cutting an average of .007. Then I use tipping die that extends the oal back out. Then I sort by oal to .0015 increments. Last and of least importance I weight sort for my record string and best 3 sighters.
I use Kevin Crams trimmer and inside champher then Whidden's pointer. If i set the depth of the champher correctly the Whidden closes them up nicely.

Remember that they are "tools" and how one man uses it may differ from the next and their results can vary greatly.

That's some serious bullet prep!!!!!!!!! Does it work?
Does it work?...it definately improves the BC! But, as much as I would like to say it made my groups smaller, I have not seen it in my testing.

I have flip-flopped on doing it then not doing it a few times. It seems that if I use that same time on the range reading conditions and practicing I get much more from that than all the pointing I have ever done. All the perfection and time spent at the bench doesn't do you any good if you cannot read conditions and deliver proper shots.

That and .50 cents wont get you in the door at Starbucks!:)

I have Kevin's meplat trimmers in 30 and 6.5 cal's. If you want to try it, email me and I will bring them to the next shoot - (health permitting).
Sort bullets from base to ogive first. Hope to see you soon.

Like I said..........

I have metplat trimmers galore!!! Bought my first one from Dave Tooley about 10 years ago. I have Kevin's also- I think its the best production one out there. I also tip my bullets and have found similar results as others- better BC- more accurate?- I don't know.
That's some serious bullet prep!!!!!!!!! Does it work?

it does work, the best i can tell. i gave johns sorting methods a try. since he has acomplished a few things in the sport, i thought i might as well try it. i would say the loose high/low shots are reduced. it will take thousands more rounds down the range, and may never know anything scientific, because as you know every relay is different, and every lane is even different.
