From a 30BR with 112 Bibbs at what point does the bullet stablize or go to sleep? Does stablization of the bullet contribute to the wind closest to your bench producing the greatest effect?
a good person to answer this question would be Randy over at BIB bullets..
He's has a welth of information on this subject...I wrote it all down but it would take me a week to type it all out.
From a 30BR with 112 Bibbs at what point does the bullet stablize or go to sleep? Does stablization of the bullet contribute to the wind closest to your bench producing the greatest effect?
On planet earth, assuming that your barrel is a 1:19" twist, or , faster, gyroscopic stability (Sg) will not be a factor in how well your rifle performs ] using the BIB 112 Gr. FB (0.925" long J4 jacket: finished OAL < 0.950") - not even on a COLD day at the North Pole.
Now, if it's spun a LOT faster than necessary, gyroscopic precession will make for a LARGER vertical component, associated with drag/ wind-drift. For this particular bullet, at sea-level, and Std. conditions, a 1:19" twist imparts Sg of 1.5, while a 1:17" twist increases Sg to about 1.9 - the maximum you want/need for extreme precision work. Decreasing the twist to 1:20" imparts a not undesirable 1.4 Sg., which produces extreme precision for FB bullets of up to about 0.950" long. RG