Bullet seating problem...



Bullet: GSC 92gr SP bullet. (A solid copper, very sharp bullet)
Seater die: Forster Ultra Bullet Seater.
Problem: The bullets are so sharp, that the tip of the bullet is hitting the inside end of the seater, resulting in the tips of the bullets being slightly crushed during the seating proscess.

To simplify what is happening, here is how I explained the situation to the bullet distributor:

Normally, the cone-shaped portion of the seater die is narrower and has a tighter radius than the bullet which means that the cone depressor normally contacts the bullet somewhere along the ogive and not at the tip. Such is not the case however with the GSC 92SP because the bullet has a narrower and tighter radius than the inside of the bullet depressor has; as such the first contact made between the bullet and the inside of the depressor is between the tip of the bullet and the inside end of the depressor.

Maybe the following illustration will help clarify: Think of it like sliding your head into a tapered pail or into a cone-shaped container. Normally, the sides of your head would contact the sides of the inside of the container first and your head would never hit the inside end of the cone because your head would be too big to ever gat that far into the cone - this is how a bullet seater normally works; by contacting the outside of the bullet and pushing it down into the case. Now, if your head was pointer and narrower than the inside of the cone-shaped container was, then the obvious result would be your head hitting the inside tip of the container first before the container ever contacted the sides of your head (you would have to have an extremely pointed head for this to happen!)...but this is exactly what's happening with the GSC SP because they are so extremely pointed! The tip of the SP bullet is being slightly crushed by the inside tip of the bullet depressor. I know of no bullet seater that has such a long pointed bullet depressor. The only solution I can currently think of is a bullet seater with a depressor where the tip of it is actually drilled out to allow the sharp tip of the SP to pass though it slightly thereby allowing the bullet depressor to contact the ogive instead of the tip.

For now, I'm honing the inside of the cases to allow the bullets to enter the cases with a bit more ease; this has decreased the crushing a bit. Then, I'm "resharpening" the loaded bullets with a Jewelers diamond wheel in order to re-establish the sharp meplat.

Anyone have any advice?
I had that problem with a die and Berger VLD's.
You have the solution. Drill out the seater plug a little more creating a cavity.
A little honing after drilling and you should be good to go.

Another option "may" be trying a seater plug from a caliber one size up.
Will it fit your seater stem is the question.
I tried that with a 204 using a 223 plug. It contacted further down the ogive and I saw a slight improvement in seating depth readings. Might work for your situation.
Yep, I had a RCBS die that a Nosler ballistic tip bottomed out in. I took a dremel tool and small bit and drilled the seating cup another 1/8" or so deeper. That fixed the problem. I don`t think the manufactures have a seater that will keep up with all the new bullet geometery we seeing today.