bullet pointing



I have been starting to cut metplate and point my bullets here's my question. I am shooting a 260 rem. with 142 smk's, being in wisconsin it limits my winter testing. With all the work and sometimes inconsistent bullets ogive to base length how much benefit will a person see over poly tipped hornady a-max bullet. I realize everyone has long said you either should shoot a sierra
or berger bullet, how do the a-max bullets stack up. They do have a nice uniform tip . thanks john
i have shot some 75gr. A-max out of my .223 lrpv
it seems to enjoy them, i think its all personal preferance
Have been tempted myself

Have been tempted myself to try Whiddens point up die. I have done meplat trimming and have seen some good results. There is more than one shooter doing well out there with the 208 AMAX and I believe Joe and Christina Thielen of Hornady both finished Top20 this past season. Get a box and try them out.

Take care
you have gotter go with what gives you the best groups in diffierent conditions.
I'm in wisconsin and i shoot the 260 as well. Give me a call and we can compare some notes.
Bullet pointing

Have shoot 140 a-max and very good results ie down in the 4's at times at 1000 yd. Have purchased whidden pointer and sure think it does a great job on 142 smk and think meplat trimming not needed if pointed. I sort all bullets by ogive before pointing,and adjust die for different ogives, and have seen up to .040 difference on a box of 142 smk's, most batches much closer though
Are you sorting "base to ogive" or "start of boatail to ogive" (which I wudld call "bearing surface" but is a kind of "ogive to ogive")?
Bullet pointing/Closing meplats

The best procedure is to work up the load that shoots best in your gun. After you have established that, close the meplats and it will give you benefits on your 1000 yd target -- and even at 600.

If the A-Max shoots more accurately than your 142 SMK (no meplat modification), then it will out shoot the SMK when it is pointed. As others have said, shoot what groups the best.

Having said all that, a bullet that shoots best in your gun (that does not have an implanted tip like the A-Max) will shoot better after the meplat is closed. The reason is not that the BC is improved (although it is) but because the BC becomes more uniform from shot to shot. The ultimate goal is an increased and uniform BC with waterline vertical at the target.

Good luck,
Jim Hardy
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Thank you everyone i will play around with both see what happens. I have very good groups with the smk's at 100 - 400 yds, the a-max also shot well at 100 but i have not shot them past 100 yds yet. I am going to compare both at 600 this weekend.