Bullet making in France on You tube

Not the best

Well without english subtitles much is lost. The video was not made by someone who knew much about it. Not enough close up for good detail, poor separation of detail from a messy background static views lasting too long, no pull zooming. Pitty.
:D Funny .....

I agree Andy but it's youtube.

I did not post the link to critque this video but to discuss the equiptment and process used here.
I noticed several things that were quite different than the way Al Mirdoch made benchrest bullets.

In the time he could make 1 bullet I can make 20 . His setup is interesting and probably unique but slow .
The core swaging was ok but the core seating setup would result in varying core seating pressures .
The point forming operation was very slow compared to a modern swaging press .
Clever to make that arrangement but too much setting up and fiddling with parts. Give me a Corbin press any day.
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I have never made my own bullets or seen it done but the entire setup in my eyes looks like bullet making is a PAINFUL process.

I am sure there are more friendly ways to make bullets.