Bullet engraving


compliant member
I have seen monolithic bullets with grooves machined in them to eliminate bore pressure problems. We recovered a few from the hillside and they appear to work properly by displacing metal into the grooves on the bearing surface. My friends rifle wouldn't shoot very accurately with these bullets though.

I started thinking about it and wondered what was going on with lead core BR bullets when they are fired? I know that some of the jacket stays in the bore in the form of mild fouling but where is the remaining force distributed?

Does the rifling cause minute differences in the shape of the bullet by distributing the remaining force into the lead core? If this happens, it would seem that the projectile would become slightly longer.

Well, maybee not, perhaps the lead column becomes slightly longer inside the jacket and no change to the jacket.

Heck, maybee there is no change in the bullet's physical properties other than the rifling marks on it's skin... I don't know!

How bout some scoop on what happens here? Thanks
