Bullet comparator



Are the ones that go on a dial indicator good enough. I figure you guys made one that uses a test indicator or something?

Any ideas here appreciated.

They will give you a rough approximation. To be right on, they would have to duplicate the particular throat leade angles and diameters you are trying to match in your particular rifle. The chances of an exact match are pretty remote.

When I really want to find the the correct length for a rifle, I use the Sinclair tool that uses your chamber and a fired round from your chamber to calculate the "into the lands distance." I will then load a dummy round to that length and burnish the bullet with 4/0 steel wool and then check the land pattern on the bullet after chambering. Quite often I need to add .005" to .010" to the Sinclair tools measurement to get a square land imprint on a bullet.
My intenetion was to sort bullets by length of area that contacts the rifling.
My intenetion was to sort bullets by length of area that contacts the rifling.

Bob Green makes a gizmo which should do what you want - it "compares" the ogive (nose section) from its contact point with a 1.5 Deg. (3.0 deg. included angle) "throat", to a fixed point further up the ogive - similar to a "seating stem" - in other words, it compares seating stem to throat length, which is the CORRECT measurement to consider. Bob's tool is the best thought out comparator which I have seen. RG