Bullet availability


skrew 1335

Hey Folks,
I have been looking to order bullets from all the major retailers but every place is out of stock. I have not been able to find any .308 175 sierra BTHP match kings since last year. Getting a bit frustrating rationing what I have.. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Jason
Hey Folks,
I have been looking to order bullets from all the major retailers but every place is out of stock. I have not been able to find any .308 175 sierra BTHP match kings since last year. Getting a bit frustrating rationing what I have.. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Jason

Have you placed any backorders? At least some of the suppliers will fill backorders before listing the item as in-stock. For example, Sinclair just filled a backorder I had for 77gr Sierra bullets. Still waiting on the 69gr bullets.
I have not tried to place any orders as of yet. I will give that a try. Its a bit discouraging when you look out there and see repeated "Out of Stock" everywhere. I just have to wonder what the heck is going on. I even called sierra and got no answer on the phone. A bit suspicious of the whole situation. Thanks
Answering the phone

We are here (at Sierra), making bullets and taking calls, although this week we will be shut down on the 4th in honor of Independence Day. Due to the extreme demand no bullet company is "keeping up" but we are putting out more product than ever before.
175 GR Sierras

Hey Folks,
I have been looking to order bullets from all the major retailers but every place is out of stock. I have not been able to find any .308 175 sierra BTHP match kings since last year. Getting a bit frustrating rationing what I have.. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Jason
Jason I have several boxes of 500 count pm me and I will help you out Brian