Buck Creek IBS night shoot



After talking to several shooters that liked the thoughts of having a night shoot, we have decided to have our August IBS score shoot at night, starting at 7pm. Dick has changed the start time on the IBS web site. I have shot rimfire at night, and if centerfire is anything like rimfire, the scores should be high. See ya then.

Yes George, and we will shoot 100 first. I have talked to several shooters that are excited about it, so we should have a good turnout. If everything goes good and the shooters like it, we will schedule more for next year. Jackie
How are you illuminating?

I know from experience how I'd do it, but jacklighting targets in the turnip patch might get us in trouble ;)
One diesel generator powered light tower with 4 1000 watt metal halide lights plus 2 1500 watt metal halide lights on top of the range. Going to test it Friday night. I will get a second light tower if needed. If anybody wants to come by Friday night, you are welcome. Jackie
Well, that's not too far from a 1,000,000 candle Q-Beam from the hay loft ;) I'd feel right at home, particularly if it was a little drizzly.
I've never done a deer, but lots of rabbits in the turnip patch when I was a kid. Had an old Marlin beginner's prone rifle that'd I'd mounted a 2-6x Weaver on. We'd pop them in the head...BBQ rabbit is pretty good eating.
I remember when Bob White used to hold night Group shoots at Doc Palmisano's range. What I remember most is setting flags one evening only to discover when the match began a few hours later that the lights only lit the target, my flags were in complete darkness and could not be seen.