Bridgeville results question


I see in Heavy Gun both Larry Morrison and Dean Mihalovits had a score of 190 but Larry had the smaller group agg., 2.627 compared to Dean's 3.516 but for some reason Dean is listed as the HG score winner.

Were there some IBS rule changes this winter that I am not aware of?
Or is it just a mistake.

Larry, Dean and I were standing there looking at the results and I stated that I thought the tiebreaker went back to group agg, so Larry would have won it. They went by X count to break the tie. I know score records are broken by group agg, so that's why I assumed it would be the same at match level. So, which is it supposed to be? If it indeed is supposed to be broken by group agg, what in the hell is the purpose of the X ring anyway???

I'm with ya on the X ring. I have asked the IBS to consider counting the X ring along with records and posting the X count with the Group. But you know how that went.
In 600yd IBS the only purpose of the x ring is an aiming point, it has no value as far as scoring.
While IBS 600 yard score ties are broken by group IBS 1000 yard score ties are broken first by x count then group size unless that changed again at this winters meeting.

LR general section:
In case of a tie for any award in an individual match, winners are determined as follows:
In any case of a tie for score ,the number shots in the X ring will be totaled and the target with the most X’s will determine the winner.
In the case of a tie for score and the X ring count, the smallest group will determine the winner.
If there is still a tie for score the target with the closest shot to the center of the target which is represented by the X in the center of the X ring, will determine the winner.
In the case of a tie for the smallest group, the higher score determines the winner.
In case of a tie for the smallest group, and score is also tied, the bullet nearest to the center of the bull’s-eye determines the winner.

600 yd section:

600-yard score records shot on the 1000-yard size target were retired at the end of the 2006 season. Also ended was the practice of adding an extra point for an X; ties are broken by smallest group size. Potential score records were submitted during the 2007 season and new records established at the end of that season, as was done in the 2004 season.

I am with you guys though and think the x should be counted in 600yd as it is in 1000.

Well Larry if it's any consolation had you been shooting F-Class they would have been correct.

Appeals process:
Any competitor in a Registered Tournament, who feels aggrieved at a decision of the Range Officer, or Referees, may before leaving the range on the day the grievance arose, upon payment of $10.00 appeal the decision by filing a written notice of appeal with the Range Officer. The full written grievance must be mailed to the appropriate committee (Group, Score, or 600-1000) and postmarked within 48 hours of the tournament. The statement should include:
Reasons for appeal
Rule being broken
Names of Referees, Range Officer, Scorer, etc., where appropriate
Name of Competitor breaking the rule
Statement must be signed
The appropriate committee will investigate the appeal and forward all findings to the Executive Board. The Executive Board’s decision is final. If the appeal is substantiated, the protest fee will be returned. If the appeal is overruled, the fee will be forfeited to the IBS.



It comes down to this, If the shooters are unhappy with a rule, Change it. Get an agenda started and have the shooters sign it and turn it in. Make sure you make a copy for yourself and document the day it was submitted, who you sent it to on the IBS committee. I would send it certified that way no one can say that they never seen it. Do one on the X count and do another to change the countdown from the 1000yd rules to the short range countdown.
One big one to have changed is the Long Range Percision Rifleman program, Take a look at that joke and tell me when do you think you will have enough points for that award? Check and see how many points you have to date. I'm not sure who is keeping track of the points this year. It needs to be changed as far as awarding points, You should get a number of points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places regardless of the number of shooters there are. Something for you and the shooters to think about.

If I am following this correctly, you missed first,meaning if you weren't on the same relay and if you were how can this fairly decide the winner.Or am I dumb founded again?
I don't want this to get all blown up.

I am not unhappy, I went home with the biggest pile ever. I think what happened is simple case of not knowing the letter of law. I know I certainly don't know all the rules and didn't know about the tiebreaker rule. All I ever heard of was the creedmore. Bville started as, and has been a short range club since before I came along. I think how it was done was how they decide it in short range, not knowing the other set of guidelines for longrange. I think the club will work out any bugs that are brought to their attention. I just wanna shoot and improve. If I shoot better this month than last month and don't win I'm still pleased with myself.

Craig what I ment was that I missed the x-ring first. I think that is the creedmore rule. Or claymore rule depending on which side you come out on.

So yes Brian nailed it with choice two.
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Rule changes


It comes down to this, If the shooters are unhappy with a rule, Change it. Get an agenda started and have the shooters sign it and turn it in. Make sure you make a copy for yourself and document the day it was submitted, who you sent it to on the IBS committee. I would send it certified that way no one can say that they never seen it. Do one on the X count and do another to change the countdown from the 1000yd rules to the short range countdown.
One big one to have changed is the Long Range Percision Rifleman program, Take a look at that joke and tell me when do you think you will have enough points for that award? Check and see how many points you have to date. I'm not sure who is keeping track of the points this year. It needs to be changed as far as awarding points, You should get a number of points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places regardless of the number of shooters there are. Something for you and the shooters to think about.
I don't think its that easy. Doesn't it take the signatores to also attend the meeting? Herman Harke has been trying to get the muzzle brake rule changed for years but needs the 25 signers to go with him to the winter board meeting. I also can't believe that X count trumps small group to determine winner in long range shoots. This is probably a carry over from an organization that is short range oriented.
. . . One big one to have changed is the Long Range Percision Rifleman program, Take a look at that joke and tell me when do you think you will have enough points for that award?
The long range marksman award isn't suppose to be easy. There were 53 people in the world who had achieved at least the bronze level by mid-2009. A few people reach this level quite quickly, but most of us consider it a a lifetime achievement. Your statement demonstrates a lack of understanding about the development of IBS 1,000 yard competition.
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I was referring to the 600yd Long Range Percision Rifleman Program, not the 1,000yd Long Range Marksman Program. Are they one of the same and just worded differently? I don't think so.
No they do not have to attend meeting.

signatores to also attend the meeting? Herman Harke has been trying to get the muzzle brake rule changed for years but needs the 25 signers to go with him to the winter board meeting.

No, the 25 IBS members that need to sign an agenda item to get it on the agenda do not need to attend the meeting.

The agenda item would however probably have a better chance of passing if the people in favor of the proposed rule change were present to vote in favor of it.

Dick Grosbier