Bridgeville 600yd Match



Reminder, Bridgeville 600yd match this Sunday. Weather is looking real good. I will get to test out my new toy. (7mm Lake X) Hope to see ya all there. Tell Marion to bring those red bullets. If anyone see's Norm W, tell him it's Saturday.
bridgeville shoot

looks like someone needs to be taken to the woodshed again . T.R will be there with 6.5 x250 burns to drain LAKE X. i brought it into this world and i can take it down . T.R
Hey Joe fox, in addition to powder,bring cci 450 magnum primers if you have them. Marion
Ya TR, that's all that 6.5 x 250 is going to do, BURN. Maybe you could donate it? Larry Bryant or Joe Fox is always looking for a good tomatoe stake for their backyard. It keeps the wives happy when they bring things home for the garden. Just ask marion, he has planted alot of his own stakes and some bullets other than the red ones in his garden.
bridgeville match

oh yes it's a tomatoe steak all right that breathes fire and spits 120 gr berger into half minute of angle groups at 600yds. as for lake x .that's a real shooter a fine rifle and i think you "ll win with it but not sunday . don't forget i did the loading for this match every other round has 6grs of talcum powder in it . T.R.
TR If you turned those 155.5 bullets down on your lathe like i told you for the 7mm Lake X, than i should'nt have a problem winning as long as the jackets are put back on correct. If I'm shaving bullets, than i know you set me up for failure.
Marion, Joe will have small rifle primers and powder as well as airglide gun cases for sale at the match. He is already over there. The next match he will have your 450 primers