Brian Brandt takes first AGAIN at St. Louis



Congratulations Brian on your first place win at the Club tournament at BRC of St. Louis on Saturday.

Brian finished first with a 2270.833.
Tom Rippee was nipping at his heels with a 2266,667
Smokin Joe Besche was third with a 2183.333

There were 21 shooters.
A 2100 agg got you 7th place.
A 2000 agg got you 15th.

Congratulations everyone it was a fun time.

Thanks to the new match directors and staff for a well run match.

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Results Coming Soon

Full results from this match will be posted soon.(I forgot the file at home today)

I would like to thank all the shooters for coming out and shooting Saturday night. Everyone's patience really helped make sure we were able to run the match strictly by the rulebook.


John Parker
Thanks again John, for the scoring and thanks Scotty Pieper for running the firing line.....even though the line to have targets rechecked may not seem like it we all, really do appreciate your work.

Hang in there.

That gun that the BIG B is doing all that WINNING with, is that one of them Kathy guns????, it sure does shoot good, he has been kicking butt with that gun. GOOD job BIG B, will you pick me up and give me a ride to the next match? Thanks, Sweet O'le Lovable Jerr.:D:D
Kathy's Gun...........

Sounds like a guess that was "Kathy's clown"? Anyway it must be a "Kathy Gun" or it would not be winning!
Thanks everyone

I would like to congratulate Tom Rippee and Joe Besche on there finish and also congratulate the only junior there Olivia Howard this was only here second match and she agged over 1900 I sure wish I could of started out that good. So congratulations Olivia!! GOOD SHOOTIN:D
Congrats Brian...

Congratulations, Brian, on your 1st Place win! Congrats also to Tom Rippee & Joe Besche on your awesome scores! Great Shooting!:)

Scotty, great job running the firing really keep it fun!:) John & team, thanks for all the hard work inside. The food was great, too!
